Yup. With copper pipework for radiators at a boiler one might decide to put a bond on the HW pipe to the rads and even to the return too if you consider the pipework for the rads might likely be picking up an earth potential but is is unlikely that anyone would supp bond lnks to the rad pipes to the rad in any event just to ensure going on forever. Therefore incoming cold water and gas , probable CH pipework at the boiler and any exposed structural girders etc if they touching an earthy bit. That is probably the limit in most dwellings and suchlike in any event. It might not even be necessary to bond the incoming water or gas either.
Door handles and window frames have always been a big no really but some, pretty widely held powerful myths were held a while back and that had a life of its own
Door handles and window frames have always been a big no really but some, pretty widely held powerful myths were held a while back and that had a life of its own