Ever told someone to stuff their job?

had a boss that was a bully and he gave me a hard time for a spell, he found another job and gave his notice. oddly enough on his last day, he went round everyone and shook hands and had a laugh, except for me. he avoided me.

i made a point of going to find him to genuinely wish him well just cos i was glad he was going. i realised as i walked up to him to shake his hand...

that he was both mentally & physically scared of me and what he imagined i was going to do or say to him..... he knew he was in the wrong and once his 'safety rope' of authority had gone, so did his confidence.

got witnesses? other people getting the same attitude?

go the HR route - in writing. i should have
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Lots of great advice and encouragement here, thanks guys! I'll keep a diary of any incidents for a month or two and sit down with HR to see if they can help.

Westmids, my work environment is such that anyone who loses their rag generally finds themselves out the door within the hour... however longterm pettiness and weaselling seems to be acceptable :LOL: :LOL:

The irony of the situation is, I'd have left by now if he'd not blocked the homeworking and he wouldn't have anything to complain about! :rolleyes:
I don't understand why if you can sit and work at home you can't sit and work in the office. What's the difference?

I didn't say "sit" and work did I? ;)

My injury is such that when it flares up, I can't sit. So, getting to the office is impossible (can't get in a car nor can I ride a taxi to any railway station), working at a desk is impossible. I suppose I could buy a hearse and get someone to drive it whilst I lie in the back, but that seems a little tasteless.

However, resting a laptop on a nice high surface means I can at least stand and work. However, "Health and Safety" caught me doing that in the office during a milder flare-up, insisted it wasn't ergonomic and ordered me to go home anyway. I was happy to stay and work.
Never walked out of a job of my own accord, but I did get made redundant from one in a nasty way that made the boss have a week off in case I carried out my threats...

They asked me to go on site and replace a control box on a machine that had been smashed off by the delivery truck.
Went up with a fitter who was there to finish of the rest of the install of the machine while I did the box.
He kept getting calls every half hour or so and his reply was always along the lines of "no we're not finished yet..."
On the way back he got yet another call and answered with "Yeah, we're just on our way back now..... ok...... here, Trev wants to talk to you.." and handed me the phone.

The charge hand then told me that they'd had the meeting about the posibility of redundancies, and that unfortunately I was one of them...

The fitter told me that it was him calling all day and wanted us to be finished and on the way back before he told me so that I'd finish the job and not cause any further damage.. not the fitters fault obviously, and to be fair he did suggest turning around and going back to "undo" the repairs, but I decided not to..

To say that I turned the air blue in that van would be an understatement.
I knew it wasn't Trev's fault but I made it perfectly clear that if I saw the "boss" on monday when I came in to get my things, then I was going to punch his lights out, and if I didn't see him, he was going home with 4 flat tires and a broken headlamp or two...
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Recently, he's become more and more unreasonable to the point where I'm seriously considering calling it a day and moving on.

Sounds like workplace bullying to me. Take a complaint to the manager further up or HR. While you're at it, notify you union rep too. Mention that you are feeling stressed and the words "constructive" and "dismissal".

Whatever you do, do not lie back and take the 5h1t.

Good luck.
I've not handed in my cards yet, but I came really really close a year ago.

I work for a major multinational computer corporation and I found myself on a client site doing a boring but critical role in the administrative side of equipment installation.
Like most big companies we had a rigorous change control process and people who broke it were in big trouble. The project had to agree a window of time with the change control people, and in my role I wasn't allowed to do any work - even admin stuff - until the window opened.
The client used a lot of highly paid contractors to project manage equipment installations, and from what I was able to tell their idea of 'forward planning' stopped at 'having my managers number on speed dial'. It was stressful to say the least, and my none of my predecessors had lasted more than a year before quitting. (I made it to over 2 years before I was forced out, but that's another story...)

Naturally the project managers used to book engineers and resources to do the physical install from the very moment the change control window opened, regardless of the fact it took me a while to do the admin - about 48 hours on average as I'd get about 30-50 jobs daily of varying complexity - then complain they had engineers sitting around costing them money whilst they waited for me.

It took best part of a year, but finally I got them to realise that I didn't operate a Tardis or own a DeLorean with the optional Flux Capacitor, and most of them started giving me the 48hrs I requested. (Actually I could do most of the jobs inside 12 hours, but I wasnt going to tell them that!).

Then one day the most annoying of these subcontracted project managers sends an email to my companies senior client relationship manager, CC'ing me and half the client's own IT management, saying he's got this mega-urgent project starting, and can he confirm that someone will be able to drop everything and come running.
My guy emails me and says "This would be you, wouldn't it?"
So I reply "No it cant be me, the project manager knows full well I have a queue of work and require a 48hr lead time, and I've told him in the past that if he requires an immediate response he needs to book an engineer specially."
Some toing and froing of emails later which I'm excluded from, and my companies senior relationship manager says "Do it."
I respond along the lines of "I've spent 18 months getting the project managers to accept a 48 hour lead time so things run smoothly and we arent always firefighting and risking cocking things up. If you allow this you're not only undoing all my work but setting precedent that the PMs can dodge the system by making threats. Besides there are already three other projects in the queue who have done things properly and they'll miss the 48hr window if I push them aside to work on this."
My direct manager got involved here and tried to point out the difficulties of the role I was doing, the stress and the fact that every other engineer in my job had been carted off in a straitjacket six months ago.
The reply back (not to me, but I saw a copy) was "This is all very touching, but is he going to do this or not?"

Now that's what I call lack of managerial support!

I requested a transfer the same day. My direct manager talked me into staying on another few months to train up a replacement, which turned into a team working remotely.

It now takes a team of four people three times as long to get the admin done as it used to when I ran things solo.
that the soldiers one?
my mascara has all run now :mrgreen: ... definitely not work safe unless you don't mind blubbing in front of your work mates..
Just when I thought you were decent you come out with that...

Why WestMids Chippy ?

How many times do we read in the papers about workplace bullying and nothing being done about it by HR/Personnel Dept/Bosses/Line Managers etc etc.
I was a victim of workplace bullying once. My gaffer even threatened me in front of the MD who did nothing. It's soul destroying when it happens.
Fortunately times have moved on from then and bullying in the workplace should now be a thing of the past. It's easy to write on an internet forum saying that he should be a man and stand up to the person doing the bullying. Not so easy in real life, when you have a management who don't even acknowledge the problem.
I hope I've given Donk some good advice.
Bullying in any form, should not be tolerated anywhere by anyone.

I can kind of understand how if this were to happen it can be soul destroying...but in what type of way?

It wouldn't matter to me if the bloke was 7 foot tall and built like a bog house, if he didn't treat me with the same amount of respect i treat him then at some point in the day he will be sitting on his arse.

A few weeks ago i was late for a new TEMP job. The agency i was working for sent me to the wrong address and i was driving around like a tosspot for half an hour (after getting up early just to make sure i was there on time) until he phoned me back up after getting the right address off the site agent.
Anyway, i got to the site and arrived ten minuets late...walked upto the office and approached the errrr, i guess you can call him, the foreman.
Followed his instructions and got on with helping the lads out.

I was then told to go over to the site office by one of the lads as i was seen working without having a site induction for this site...

I arrived to the hut which was full to the brim of the facebooker's and student dropouts.

To which i responded, i was late because the agency i am working for gave me the wrong address, surly you should know as he phoned you to get the right address.

I DON'T GIVE A FLYING F**K, IT'S NOT MY FAULTYOUR LATE. YOU HAVE MISSED THE INDUCTION NOW GO HOME AND COME BACK TOMORROW (this bint was blaring in my face) whilst the facebookers and dropouts had a squirmy smirk on there face.

I said to her rightio give me my money for the half hour's work i have done, pay up for making me waste diesel and i will be on my way. GET YOUR AGENCY TO PAY IT! she said, so i said, ok but do you not employ this agency? And another thing if you scream at me like that ever again for doing nawt wrong i will follow you home and kick the living **** out of your husband, failing that your old man for raising such a 'orrible' c**t. Made my exit whilst looking at the facebookers to see if there facial expressions changed and core blimey they did!
You can bet your arse i got my money in the end too!

I say if a bully is bullying you, deck the 'orrible' c**ts...if it is a female bully then kick the flying crap out of the husband/father.

Well what would you do after being ?humiliated? like that in front of strangers... go quitely into the night and right a stiff letter to the H&R or whatever these toss**s are called.
i will follow you home and kick the living s**t out of your husband, failing that your old man for raising such a 'orrible' c**t.

The main thing stopping me from taking your approach is that I would like to end this job AND THEN GET ANOTHER ONE :LOL:

As a student I worked on a council site, two of my colleagues were convicts. Out of curiosity I asked one of them what he went down for. He explained that at a previous job he had a manager who was a complete a**e. Always belittling everyone and blaming people for things they hadn't done. One day, he was called into the manager's office and given a bo**ocking for something that he hadn't even done. He had enough and told the manager where to go. The manager then fired him on the spot.

So, matey left, then waited round the corner.

At the end of the day manager pulls up to the junction, matey leaps out with a sledgehammer and smashes his windscreen in, pulled him out of the car and gave him a thrashing (with fists, not the hammer). He ended up going to prison and ruining the rest of his working life.

You could say that with such a nasty boss he should have stood up to him at the start rather than letting it escalate to murderous rage. I'd agree with that.

However, the bloke I have issue with isn't even my boss, and is nasty in a far more subtle way. If I go up to him and read him the riot act, it would be seen as me bullying him!
Well i would video tape it of course and i am sure any reasonable judge of the law will look at it as a civil dispute and not just a 'criminal' assault.
After all this woman (company owe me money), I followed her advice to ring my agency up but to no avail. Judge... I went round to get my money that i am entitled to blah blah

Given all of the absolute bullcrap that you read in the newspapers, the law still stands atm in time.

I understand your position as i have worked for people like that, as soon as i sniff out the BS then i walk off the job. (ok difficult in these times to find another job) but i think a swift word in his 'ol' ear will do the trick. Just don't do anything that you would regret imho.

It is bad enough that these people are in the positions that they are but to carry on working for them and feeding there ego's...
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