Excess Deaths Debate 16th January 2024

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Here is another follow the science that has come out this week......
Dr. Anthony Fauci confessed to lawmakers Tuesday that guidelines to keep six feet of separationostensibly to limit the spread of COVID-19 — “sort of just appeared” without scientific input.

Fauci, 83, revealed to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that the “six feet apart” recommendation championed by him and other US public health officials was “likely not based on scientific data,” according to Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), who is also a physician.
Here is another follow the science that has come out this week......
Dr. Anthony Fauci confessed to lawmakers Tuesday that guidelines to keep six feet of separationostensibly to limit the spread of COVID-19 — “sort of just appeared” without scientific input.

Fauci, 83, revealed to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that the “six feet apart” recommendation championed by him and other US public health officials was “likely not based on scientific data,” according to Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), who is also a physician.
Sounded like a very good common sense precaution to me anyway, regardless of any science or not.
Why did you not trust it and not want it? Have you taken other vaccines?

What problem has it, or other vaccines, caused you?
I have had every vaccine needed and have no problem with vaccines - just the covid one.
On the trust issue I find it odd that people hate Boris Johnson - call him a liar yet were prepared to believe everything he said about the vax.
I did not trust the way it was rushed through - the way it was pushed on people turned out my instinct was correct with the Astra zenica one being removed from use due to it causing heart conditions.
I had zero side affects from the AZ but my other half was off work for 2 weeks and hardly ever had time off with illness.
More contradictory info, it was said that its a good sign if you get side affects after the jab - shows its working, yet I had no side affects --- sooo its not working on me then or what. Different batches perhaps.
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I have had every vaccine needed and have no problem with vaccines - just the covid one.
On the trust issue I find it odd that people hate Boris Johnson - call him a liar yet were prepared to believe everything he said about the vax.
I did not trust the way it was rushed through - the way it was pushed on people turned out my instinct was correct with the Astra zenica one being removed from use due to it causing heart conditions.
I had zero side affects from the AZ but my other half was off work for 2 weeks and hardly ever had time off with illness.
More contradictory info, it was said that its a good sign if you get side affects after the jab - shows its working, yet I had no side affects --- sooo its not working on me then or what. Different batches perhaps.
And when did you have the 1st vaccine?

I preferred medical advice to that from Governments.

You've had no side effects I note. Like most people. And yes I am aware some people did, but some people died with no vaccine. It's a difficult balance to get right. Personally I took the risks of the vaccine (every vaccine has a risk), versus the possible outcome of no vaccine.
Has there ever been a vaccine that was that effective that it required half a dozen doses in a couple of years without a single check on the individual to see how effective it still was .
See, that just isn't true. I had 3 in 3 years, same as the flu, and I've already posted two follow up studies a few posts back. Do you want some more?
See, that just isn't true. I had 3 in 3 years, same as the flu, and I've already posted two follow up studies a few posts back. Do you want some more?
so you went against governments advice for your age , good lad good to see your starting to think for yourself
Sounded like a very good common sense precaution to me anyway, regardless of any science or not.
yeah lets shut down schools put kids educations back , shut down and restrict peoples business causing massive financial loss on a whim
yeah lets shut down schools put kids educations back , shut down and restrict peoples business causing massive financial loss on a whim
Serious question, what are you trying to achieve? You think you dodged a bullet, that's fine, be happy, not grumpy.

I made a different choice, which I think was the correct one.

Are you looking for an apology or what? I don't get it.
yeah lets shut down schools put kids educations back , shut down and restrict peoples business causing massive financial loss on a whim
Better than taking a risk with peoples lives until more sure of the virus, maybe? Keeping a distance from others had to be a good way to stop immediate spread, don't you think?

It was an unknown quantity at the time.

Easy afterwards.
Serious question, what are you trying to achieve? You think you dodged a bullet, that's fine, be happy, not grumpy.

I made a different choice, which I think was the correct one.

Are you looking for an apology or what? I don't get it.
am i critical about your decision i think you will find its you and your cohorts in here who are the critical ones against those that chose not to have it .
am i critical about your decision i think you will find its you and your cohorts in here who are the critical ones against those that chose not to have it .
Yes, I think you made the wrong decision, some of the reasons flying around were just plain bonkers.

But why are you still going on about it? What are you looking for?
Yes, I think you made the wrong decision, some of the reasons flying around were just plain bonkers.

But why are you still going on about it? What are you looking for?
so why did i make the wrong decision i am typing this from the afterworld ?
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