Exit Poll

What was the turnout like? Deserted when I walked past the polling station yesterday eve on way to local. Surprisingly no one mentioned the election in there. Almost like it wasn't happening.
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What was the turnout like? Deserted when I walked past the polling station yesterday eve on way to local. Surprisingly no one mentioned the election in there. Almost like it wasn't happening.
Overall, I think 60pc.

Were the folk in the boozer Tory voters?

They may well not have wanted to chat about it.
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I'm not surprised Truss lost her seat as thousands of lefties have fled here since covid to escape the mess they have made down south. The smug ****s will be all over the nextdoor app this morning.
You must be pizzed (or high as kite), writing that nonsense.

Truss lost her seat because she is a hapless, disingenuous right wing moron. And a Trump fan.
So think again
I don't need to. She is a disingenuous right wing populist moron and Trump fan. She managed to alienate staunch Tory voters in their thousands - mainly off the back of lies and populism. Remarkably allowing a Labour candidate to win. 35'000+ (69%) voted for Truss in 2019.
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