Expanded ULEZ

PS i installed over 700 solar panels on my factory roof in 2016 and we've generated over 1.5 million KWh since it was installed but the product we make is generally gas fired

Wow, that mustve seriously protected you from the crazy energy hikes that really kicked in last autumn

the figures I’ve heard some business owners have mentioned are eye watering.
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What would you define as a climate change sceptic? I accept that the climate is changing, i'm just not convinced that its a man made change

As far as I can tell, the change is man made. The science is pretty well proven.

My most simplest argument would be that human population has gone from 2.5b to 7b in about 75 years.

The problem now is that vested interests are so deeply embedded, it’s hard to know where to go to analyse the evidence
Wow, that mustve seriously protected you from the crazy energy hikes that really kicked in last autumn

the figures I’ve heard some business owners have mentioned are eye watering.
Yes it has. We invested when the feed in tariffs were still in place, so we get paid roughly 10p per kWh we generate and use, plus we also save the cost of buying that kWh.

We do a lot of welding, so we consume the majority of what we generate in the week. However, at weekends when the factory is shut down, we export and only get paid 4.7p per kWh which the power companies then sell on for a lot more......

We come to the end of a 3 year contract next month, and even with the solar panels, our annual bill is going up by £40k.
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As far as I can tell, the change is man made. The science is pretty well proven.

My most simplest argument would be that human population has gone from 2.5b to 7b in about 75 years.

The problem now is that vested interests are so deeply embedded, it’s hard to know where to go to analyse the evidence
I'm on the fence with whether climate change is man made. I agree that the climate is changing, i agree its a good idea to be more efficient with our global resources, and i agree that polution is a bad thing.

However, i'm not convinced that scientists know enough about planet and its weather patterns to state conclusively that climate change is man made. Vested interests mean that all sorts of things are being spun into being caused by climate change when they are unrelated. Eg the wildfires in greece that are being attributed to global warning but have turned out be arson.
the wildfires in greece that are being attributed to global warning but have turned out be arson.

The source of ignition might well have been arson, but the tinder-dry expanses of fuel were caused by...........what?

But I'm with you on not wasting stuff.

And the processes that do / might contribute to climate change are wasteful.
Plastic is a much worse problem and easily solved.
Unfortunately the plastic lobbies (read Chinese plastic producers) have much influence in worldwide politics.
So let's continue using plastic for everything and tax the working class to go to work.
Climate is changing because we are growing, poor nations are industrialising and many really big countries don’t want to do what they need to, to improve.

I do however think that a country such as Britain needs to proceed with caution. We will not fix climate change on our own and we already do much more than others.

The solution is not taxing poor people for using products they lawfully bought or strangling business resulting in investment being diverted.

Proceed with caution.
The big brains should be concerned if climate didn't change anymore, very concerned.
This is just a long plan excuse to tax the working class to the bones and make us live in fear.
They tested this with the virus and saw that it worked, so now there's the long term strangulation being implemented.
Whatever we do, in 50 years time we will still be in a climate change crisis.
That's a safe bet.
The source of ignition might well have been arson, but the tinder-dry expanses of fuel were caused by...........what?

But I'm with you on not wasting stuff.

And the processes that do / might contribute to climate change are wasteful.
Tinder dry expanses of fuel are there every summer.

I think more 'events' are being reported as being linked to man made climate change due to the fanatacism of some of the media outlets.
However, i'm not convinced that scientists know enough about planet and its weather patterns to state conclusively that climate change is man made.
The overwhelming majority of climate change scientists have stated that, conclusively. You can disagree, of course, but you'd probably need some hard evidence for that.
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