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I bet the board are sad she resigned, lol. Could not give a hoot.

Meanwhile, Brexers and Trump horn-smokers are considered lower than terrorists and drug barons in terms of status and business acumen. Lol.
Russian Oligarchs, yes please. African dictators, yes please. International drug barons, yes please. Someone who stands up to Europe though, well thats enough for them to get a cob on and join together to vent their spleen. To think, you anti-Tory lot all go on about the 'old boys club' and all that but it’s all fine when they bandy together to pick on someone you hold responsible for getting us out of the old boys Euro club. Ya load of spiteful whiney losers!
Just proves you can have any politics you want if you have the finances. Don't remember any of them having their accounts closed.

Natwest for Nige
Nobody paid the slightest attention to thousands of folk who were cut off by Nat West til Foghorn Farrage turns up on the BBC - i'm surprised he hasn't been down the pub with this story...
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Nobody paid the slightest attention to thousands of folk who were cut off by Nat West til Foghorn Farrage turns up on the BBC - i'm surprised he hasn't been down the pub with this story...

It's nice to see the bank leadership taking responsibility. I suspect however, she had to own the leak and she, better than anyone should know that customer confidentially is key.

The City minister Andrew Griffith tweeted: “It is right that the NatWest CEO has resigned. This would never have happened if NatWest had not taken it upon itself to withdraw a bank account due to someone’s lawful political views. That was and is always unacceptable.

“I hope the whole financial sector learns from this incident. Its role is to serve customers well and fairly – not to tell them how or what to think.”
Don't know if this has any bearing on any of the 11000 who had their accounts closed.

Ironic though that, Brexit having f####d over ex-pats' banking arrangements, one of the Brexers-in-Chief has his banking shafted too.
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yes - scroll through the thread and you will see I already did. would you like me to find it for you?
Perhaps I should start a different group - 'NatWest WONT close down my account!'

I used to bank with them years ago and I have one account with just 3 pence in it. Tried closing it online on numerous occasions with no luck.
Ha! Iv'e just done one for Nigel, closed my two N/W accounts, had a row with them, so they are history, told them it was for Nigel, btw next time we meet you owe me a pint.
Feck 'em. I finally withdrew my last 3p from my account and waved goodbye to NatWest yesterday too.

They were sorry to see me go.

It's true that political risk gives banks a justification/excuse for placing customers on special measures. It's also true that the UK government are looking in to how those rules are used or abused. There is widespread view, that all the different banking rules need a tidy up as they have some conflicts and incompatibilities.
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