Fitting 100A isolation switch between meter and consumer unit

it looks like your switch enclosure has an access panel over the outgoing terminals, which is a good point.

the supply tails from the meter look poor, as does the main bonding and supply earth connection.
The tails are pretty that I have a switch and access cover will get some flexi tails via the bottom of the CU and seal the opening at top behind by current tails.
Strange thing the main fuse was only 60Amp and the cables on the meter only 16mm. The fitter said he won't upgrade the cables to 25mm on the meter as the they will manage the 60Amp.

There are 2 earth bonding going to the earth block from supply.. 1 new 16mm yellow cable fitted by the original electrician and also a bare metal wire from the main supply line to block. There are 5 cables (3 bottom and 2 top) squashed to a 4 way could do with a 8 way block and some clips to secure againt wall.

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