and i’m glad you bounced back. good luck. If I was in your position I might well consider the flu jab too.I spent 3 1/2 weeks on a ventilator, 3 of that in a coma, I had multi-organ dysfunction, Pleural effusion both sides, Pneumothorax both sides, also fulminant myocarditis with an ejection fraction of 5%. I was "proned" and placed on a rotational mattress and they stopped pumping Jevity down my NGT because my stomach was not dijesting it, I shed most of my skin too. I was deemed to ill to be transferred to Glenfields at Leicester for ECMO treatment and placed on the DNR list. The gods were on my side because pulled through. I was transferred out of Critical Care after 6 weeks and spent a while on a cardiac ward too. The one year that I did not take a flu jab, I got flu and ended up back in hospital. If that makes me a tw@t, I'll keep on being one each year and getting a jab each year.