With a single short circuit and no other loads the voltage which is important is that at the supply transformer that's the easy bit. Voltage at the users consumer unit does not matter as the loop impedance used is total not just the bit within the users installation.
Indeed so - that was what started me thinking.
Where it gets harder is where other loads reduce the power which can be delivered to the short circuit. But since those other loads would be rather insignificant when compared with a short circuit the more I consider it, the more I am inclined to think voltage at the DNO head is not really that important, it is the voltage at the transformer which is the really important factor.
Again, that was, of course, my initial thinking, but it's starting to look as if the effect of other loads is more significant. One point is that, contrary to what you have said (and what I was thinking!) the current of 'other loads' is not necessarily 'insignificant' in comparison with the current due to a fault, particularly a fault in a 'low current' circuit. A fault ('short circuit') at the end of a long 6A lighting circuit might theoretically result in a fault current of only, say, 40A or 50A (30A needed for guaranteed trip of a B6), yet the genuine load from other consumers could presumably easily we 'a hundred amps or three' (particularly on Christmas day!).
The issue I am trying to get to grips with is essentially a mathematical one, to which I am seeking an explanation in terms of the physics. There is no doubt (unless I'm going mad!) that if one just looks at the installation in question in isolation, then:
Current through fault = supply voltage (at origin of the installation,
during fault) / (R1+R2)
[to the point to the fault]
(that is just Ohm's Law). However, we, the regs and probably the way in which meters measure Zs have always presumed that that:
Current through fault = supply voltage (at origin of the installation
without fault) / Zs
[i.e. (R1+R2)+Ze, to the point to the fault]
If both of those equations are correct, the right-hand sides of both must be equal. In other words, supply voltage
during fault divided by (R1+R2) must be equal to supply voltage
without fault divided by (R1+R2+Ze). I will attempt to prove that mathematically and, if I can, then try to work out what it means in terms of the physics.
Kind Regards, John