Well, that's even 'worse'! Given that, if everything is right, the first fault to occur should be cleared with 0.4 secs, then (except, perhaps, if the building were in flames!) we really would be in the realms of "vanishingly improbable" (sorry EFLI!) for a second L-E fault to arise in a different circuit in the same property within that 0.4sec windowOh originally I was talking about simultaneous faults on multiple circuits in the same property, I'm not sure who mentioned faults in other properties first. Probably just a general misunderstanding.
I don't think we really need to consider situations in which (in the absence of faults) supply voltage drops to below the lowest permissible (216.2V), since it would then be impossible to guarantee that an MCB would operate (magnetically). During the presence of an uncleared fault in a high-current circuit (say 32A or 40A), the supply voltage may well fall to extremely low levels (<100V), but that's a different matter.And even that I only mentioned as the only situation I could possibly fabricate where the circuits might not disconnect in time due to voltage dropping to 150v or whatever the quoted figures were.
Kind Regards, John