Fossil fuel / climate protestors

It annoys me when the tree huggers do stuff like let down the air in SUVs of perfectly innocent members of the public. Now, if you're going to take the stance 'they're not innocent because they own an SUV!' then by that theory most of us aren't innocent because we use fossil fuels and products manufactured to varying degrees of environmental friendliness. Of course this is also what the tree huggers will believe, we're all guilty. As I said before, I'm sure they all ensure they don't engage with any products or services in this bracket, so true to their cause they'll be.

Imagine someone rushing out the house one morning, running late, stressed, maybe been up all night with a teething baby, late for work. They get to their car and some idiot has let the air out the tyres. Of course, much like when they're challenged at road blocks, the tree huggers would no doubt just shrug their shoulders and come out with some of their usual guff in excuse of their actions.
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I can only repeat - I can't get anything in 15 minutes. Post box is all.

Lets say I could walk at 2mph. 15 minutes is 1/2 mile. My circle is a mile across.

Are they planning to put a range of e.g., primary and secondary schools in a 1 mile circle? Supermarkets? Swimming pools?
If I'm allowed a car it's meaningless.
Regardless of what you can or can't reach in 15 mins of walking, the underlying rationale of the tree hugging policies is for the masses to use public transport. Leave the car at home, better still don't own one at all, use our 24/7 magnificent public transport system.

Many of us have said it all before on here. There are numerous reasons why, for some, car ownership is still a requirement, not just something that's desired.

I suspect many of the tree huggers live in areas that are well served by regular public transport. Many of us aren't. And I was thinking about this the other evening when driving home in the rain. Especially at this time of year (dark early) who the heck wants to be getting off a bus in the evening/night, maybe horrible weather, to then be faced with a walk of x minutes from said bus stop to your home. Maybe a walk that takes you along secluded, dimly lit walkways etc.

Yes yes, some people have no choice but to use public transport. However I know one thing for sure. If I had a teenage son and/or daughter, I'd want them to have cars.
Don't think you'll be allowed a car they'll be a need to get them off the road so they can have these driverless cars picking you up to take you to mill.
LOL Powered by pedal by the occupier(s)

Some one needs to point out the total problem to them and some green pundits. I did by going back to prime energy sources so some one points to some info elsewhere in a report which looks great but compared with the entire scope of the problem it isn't. A footnote on renewables also said stated capacity where what is needed is what has actually been produced.

Mind you if this was done the protestors would foam at the mouth or die of shock. Their political end say it's all so simple when it isn't.

The UK may well import more C02 via products than we produce ourselves. Looked at that way the USA is the worst. A lot of China's goes elsewhere.

The new Sizewell now has problems. Part funded bt EDF and UK gov leaving 50% for investors. No takers so gov wondering about taking that on as well. Paid by tax. Britbat or what ever it's called is looking for a couple of hundred m to avoid going bust.
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