France waking up

most or all of Europe need to wake up imho

shut down Islamic schools as well.
Do you mean all faith schools?
personally I would start with any Islamic faith school
That would be discrimination.
It's illegal. Did you not know that?

than look at any other school that is filling childrens heads with religious mumbo jumbo nonsense

& shut them down as well.
That would be acceptable if you started from that point. But to continue after committing such an undignified discriminatory process, you're hardly likely to succeed. In fact, you wouldn't get very far with the first action.
Additionally, it would play straight into the arms of the islamist terrorists.

Do you not think that it would be better to judge each on its merits.
For instance, why close this school:
Averroès High School in Lille has been in the spotlight for a decade. Ten years ago, it was France's first private Muslim school to follow the national curriculum. Now, it's one of the country's top-rated schools.
Over the past few years, private schools – either Catholic, Jewish or secular, with varying levels of state funding - have increasingly made their way to the top high-school rankings.
Averroès High School’s top ranking has raised eyebrows across France in part because it’s a private Muslim school that has been providing quality education to its students.
I appreciate it's not in UK, but if it was, your blanket prejudicial action would close to it.
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I haven’t seen anything like this in the streets of this country yet, but how long before it becomes the norm here?

Because of all this, the French had started to fight back which could explain the terrorist attack in Nice.

Plenty of people defend Muslims, but why don’t those same people defend Jews?

I had no idea that it has spread as far as Japan.

How can any reasonable person defend all this madness?
Share of Muslims who support the death penalty for leaving Islam.

Funny how Saudi Arabia and Iran are missing from that list!

Pat Condell has a video that describes the category that Ben Affleck falls into, the type that wants to shout everyone else down. Judge Judy would soon tell him to put on his listening ears.

Your moderate Muslim is just as terrified of Islam as we should be. Islam is based on Project Fear (real fear).

If 90% of Muslims are against killing non-believers, we do not need to worry about the other 10% do we.

He is right when says that not all Muslims are like the Mafia, but more than enough are!

I guess this person lives in America because he says he feels safe, but how safe would he feel if he lived in Saudi Arabia?

This is assuming that he has actually left the Islamic religion.

Jews are not threatening our way of life!
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I haven’t seen anything like this in the streets of this country yet, but how long before it becomes the norm here?

Plenty of people defend Muslims, but why don’t those same people defend Jews?

How can any reasonable person defend all this madness?
So much for the balance and lack of prejudice in your selection of Youtube videos.
Pakman says that he received "a relatively secular Jewish upbringing, but I’ve always been highly involved with my Jewish background, socially and culturally; I’m part of a local Jewish group and I attend their events. It’s just generally how I identify."

Why are you so vehemently anti-Islam?
Are you anti-other religions.
Or do you support one or other religion.

Do you not understand that your islamophobia alienates Muslims and assists in the radicalisation of young, easily persuaded young men?
Why are you so enthusiastically encouraging islamophobia?
Do you want to turn a DIY social media site into an islamophobic website?
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There is nothing to stop you posting your own videos, if you can find some that are better than the ones that I have posted.

I have not posted anything that is offensive to anyone.

I am anti-anything that is anti-me!

"The Truth Is Out There"
There is nothing to stop you posting your own videos, if you can find some that are better than the ones that I have posted.
If forum readers want to search out their own interests in videos, I'll leave them to do so, without shoving my views in their face at every opportunity.

I have not posted anything that is offensive to anyone.
But you are persistently and repeatedly inciting racial hatred.

I am anti-anything that is anti-me!
Then where is the balanced approach?
All we get from you is islamophobic video after islamophobic video reproduced and copied from islamophobic websites.

"The Truth Is Out There"
The truth according to DIM (and LiveLeaks and Youtube :rolleyes:)
"Criticising Islam is not islamophobia.
The problem is when you conflict the criticism of Islam with the generalising about Muslims."

Muslims wouldn't be Muslims without Islam would they?

BTW, I get the impression that you are starting to believe that you have lost the argument!
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