France. Why do you think this is happening?

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Just think - if they can’t get into France…………
Lol. Have you seen a map of France lately? The UK has a big moat a small South coast and the busiest shipping lane in Europe. And it leaks like a sieve.

France - no problem, boyo. Marine will gladly wave them all off across The Channel.

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There is a sense of I told you so among the right wingers that europe is/might be moving to the far right, as if it’s proof that leaving the eu was a good thing, whilst voting reform. Pootin must be jumping for joy.
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A staunch right wing populist Brexer government failed to keep them out of fortress UK.
Because the Italians waved them through in the first place. Many of those immigrants stop at France so they will put a halt to them entering in the first place. Then Italy will have to keep them for themselves until the Italians have had enough of them and go the same way as France.

You and your lily livered liberal wishy washy ilk have gone too far letting every f’cker into their countries are the cause of this so give yourself a pat on the back. Better still, invite them into your town and keep them there.
Have the French population had enough with immigrants flooding into their country too?

It's likely to be a lot more complicated I think. The 1930s saw a rise in right wing populism without mass immigration. It's more likely down to economic stagnation and an overall feeling that we are trapped in general, without any easy solutions. Immigrants are probably just a scapegoat.
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Many of those immigrants stop at France so they will put a halt to them entering in the first place.
You're deluded if you think le pen is going to stop them coming into the uk. She will encourage more of them.
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