Crossing the chanel...... we haven't seen anything yet !

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49 offloaded. 200+ still onboard at risk on a 'rescue' vessel with one liferaft which has been deployed overboard to hold a dead body.

Not really sorted, eh. No matter how many times you say it.
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They had to be rescued from Banksys boat, I would say that far from sorting it, he failed spectacularly. His actions put them in danger.
Nonsense. The migrants are alive and have been recued. Attention has been brought. Migrants are constantly in danger. It was a total success.

Well done Banksy.:)
They had to be rescued from Banksys boat, I would say that far from sorting it, he failed spectacularly. His actions put them in danger.
I agree. And, I think he's going to put a lot more lives in danger because they'll all go for it now.
prevention is better than cure.
Indeed it is...

But what you tend to find is that those who shout loudest against migration/immigration also wish to remove foreign aid or even provide any help for 'foreigners' at all...

But isolationism never works!
But isolationism never works!
Correct. Desperate migrants will set sail clinging to anything. Suggesting that Banksy is out there with a recue boat, just in case the inner tube they set sail upon may spring a puncture, is somehow going to encourage more migrants is as absurd as saying that the numbers will decline, should the Banksy recue boat boat withdraw.

Its obviously seasonal/weather related, dependent upon traffickers, state of war in their homeland and a lot to do with money/greed.
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