Freeview To Be Phased Out Starting 2030

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
From another thread.

Once Freeview is deceased, do you just plug your telly into tinterweb and get OTA software upgrades?

Or will you need a whole new set?
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I am looking into a new TV now and they have just launched an update to freview play which took over from normal freeview. The new version is called Freely
Its internet based but with an aerial also. And no you will need a seperate freely box to view it but at the moment they are not making any boxes as they are using it to flog new TVs but people are saying that will have to make boxes at some point.

But the thing is at the moment you can not get all of the channels through internet so to get all the freview channels that you have now then you have to use an aerial.
The thing I don't understand is why you can't get all the same channels on a Freely TV as you can on Freeview.
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How are you supposed to get Freely? I can’t get it on my 18 month old LG TV and it’s apparently not compatible with any of my firesticks or Fire Tv cube?

“You can’t currently watch Freely on anything other than a smart TV. Unlike Freeview, you can’t watch it online and there’s no app that lets you watch it on a tablet or smartphone. It’s not clear whether this will be available in the future.”
As far as I can tell, at the moment, you need a Freely TV.

But only a limited number of manufacturers are making them at the moment.

Currently, they are:

TCL, Sharp, Bush, Toshiba, Hisense, Panasonic.
The thing I don't understand is why you can't get all the same channels on a Freely TV as you can on Freeview.
From what I read at the moment not all of the channels/ carriers whatever do not have the online versions but more are supposed to be joining. but the Freely tvs heavily pushed to not need an aerial actually do have an areal receiver and to get everything at the moment you do need the aerial plugged in.
As far as I can tell, at the moment, you need a Freely TV.

But only a limited number of manufacturers are making them at the moment.

Currently, they are:

TCL, Sharp, Bush, Toshiba, Hisense, Panasonic.
Yes that is what I have found too. The only one I would buy out of that lot is a Panasonic. Not sure about the Hisense though - never heard of them until I looked for a tv
How are you supposed to get Freely? I can’t get it on my 18 month old LG TV and it’s apparently not compatible with any of my firesticks or Fire Tv cube?

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There is talk of going to have the need to manufacture a freely tv box but at the minute only a few TVs have it built in and for now that is the only way to get it. The whole TV market makes a mockery of all the climate bulcrap, we had a smart TV with all the catchup apps but one by one we lost them as they were no longer supported, so we upgraded out Bluray player which had them all on it and one by one they are dropped so we got a Now tv box that has them all on.
All of those are Vestel, so currently an entire list of ONE manufacturer of devices that support the doomed service.
Right. Didnt know that.
I also read something about all the carriers were onboard with with the new platform - unlike the ITV digital which was just them one their own. So we have all the carriers signed up to it but only one manufacturer making a TV with it in. I thought Panasonic was on their own but I imagine TCL, Sharp, Bush, Toshiba would be under one.
Vestel are the manufacturer of a vast number of TVs, most of which are sold under a whole pile of names licenced from various places.
They also make vast quantities of other electronics and home appliances, all of which are sold under another massive pile of brands some of which are their own and plenty which are just licensing arrangements.

The brand stuck onto the device is mostly meaningless, unless you are buying the ultra top end pieces from the likes of LG or Samsung.

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