French Colonial Empire.Good or Bad?

Perhaps it's time to reintroduce my question:
Durhamplumber, what do you think is the motive behind the creation of empires?
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You're just resorting to ludicrous and dishonest retorts because you cannot comply with such simple requests as to show where you said what you claim to have said.
Grow up, and take responsibility for your disingenuous behaviour.
How many more times would you like me to repeat my one and only point on the matter...British Empire.Good and Bad...French Empire..Good and Bad.
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The only point I made is British/French Empire...both created for same purposes...Both good and bad...

How many more times would you like me to repeat my one and only point on the matter...British Empire.Good and Bad...French Empire..Good and Bad.
Just show me once where you originally said it, instead of claiming that you keep repeating it.
Motive behind creation is different to outcome after 400 years.
The outcome after 400 years is the memory of the atrocities committed by these empires.
Any resulting infrastructure, physical or organisational, was absolutely not created for the benefit of the indigenous people.
It was created to fulfil the further pursuit of profit, wealth, power and influence. The fact that it still exists is pure coincidental.

In addition, these infrastructure projects would have undoubtedly been created by the indigenous people, if they wanted them! As it is or was, they had no choice in their creation. They were invariably forced to work in near slave-like conditions to create them.
Indeed such infrastructure, if created by indigenous people, and to meet local demand, could well have been far superior, more suited to local conditions and cultures with no perpetual conflicts created.
Moreover, they would still have the natural resources to buy any skills, or materials required to create such infrastructure.

It's almost impossible to imagine the kind of reparations that could be paid to properly compensate the people subjugated by imperial powers.
The outcome after 400 years is the memory of the atrocities committed by these empires.
V simplistic...Having spent time in several West Indian Islands for 30 years, many still hold the UK in high regard..They certainly do not rage on about events of 4 centuries ago..Many of them still have many British reminders, buildings statues..names etc.etc...They would have torn all those down if they were that pizzed off with 400 years ago.Get yourself out more.
V simplistic...Having spent time in several West Indian Islands for 30 years, many still hold the UK in high regard..They certainly do not rage on about events of 4 centuries ago..Many of them still have many British reminders, buildings statues..names etc.etc...They would have torn all those down if they were that pizzed off with 400 years ago.Get yourself out more.
Unless it's something to do with the history to which they've been indoctrinated.

The majority of elder South Vietnamese still believe that US came to their country to defeat the North Vietnamese. They cannot conceive of any other motive that US could possibly have had. When you're brought up on a specific diet, it's difficult to consider any other.

When you have a closed mind it's difficult to open it.
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Unless it's something to do with the history to which they've been indoctrinated.
Of course Razzler..Even the local black West Indians Indoctrinate themselves.Every one of them..every Island.For 400 years...Utterly absurd.
When you have a closed mind it's difficult to open it.
Pleased to hear you realise you have a problem..It is the first step to seeking help..Whilst there..have them debate the Achaemenid Empire in Iran (550BC) start with..and work your way through time until today....Get it all out.Only then can you move on and be Happy.Or maybe you want to go even further back in time?
Of course Razzler..Even the local black West Indians Indoctrinate themselves.Every one of them..every Island.For 400 years...Utterly absurd.
The West Indies, in general, especially those in the Commonwealth are ruled by Conservative governments, and they are aware of their economic dependence on western economies. The democratic systems were designed by colonial powers.
If most West Indian political units are no longer colonial, dependence remains the hallmark of Caribbean economies. For decades the terms of trade, for example, have operated against West Indian primary producers; none of the West Indian islands produces enough of any one major commodity to have a decisive role in fixing prices. More damaging in many cases than the terms of trade has been the penetration of each island economy by foreign enterprise. Neocolonialism prevails in most islands, and West Indians are acutely aware of their dependence on overseas capital, decision makers, and technologies,
The importance of multinational corporations in West Indian economies is reflected in the preeminent position of North American companies in the Jamaican, Haitian, and Dominican Republican bauxite industries and (to a lesser extent by the early 21st century) in Trinidad’s petroleum economy; the role of British-based companies in West Indian sugar production and refining; and the monopolistic position of both British and North American companies in the marketing of bananas from Jamaica and the Windward Islands.
Pleased to hear you realise you have a problem..It is the first step to seeking help..Whilst there..have them debate the Achaemenid Empire in Iran (550BC) start with..and work your way through time until today....Get it all out.Only then can you move on and be Happy.Or maybe you want to go even further back in time?
You still refuse to answer my question, what do you think is the motive for the creation of empires?
Is the answer too difficult for you to comprehend, or too difficult for you to accept the truth?

You especially would argue that the biblical explanation of events is nonsense in the light of today's morals and scientific understanding.
Why can't you accept that it applies to historical atrocities also?
The West Indies, in general, especially those in the Commonwealth are ruled by Conservative governments, and they are aware of their economic dependence on western economies. The democratic systems were designed by colonial powers.
If most West Indian political units are no longer colonial, dependence remains the hallmark of Caribbean economies. For decades the terms of trade, for example, have operated against West Indian primary producers; none of the West Indian islands produces enough of any one major commodity to have a decisive role in fixing prices. More damaging in many cases than the terms of trade has been the penetration of each island economy by foreign enterprise. Neocolonialism prevails in most islands, and West Indians are acutely aware of their dependence on overseas capital, decision makers, and technologies,
The importance of multinational corporations in West Indian economies is reflected in the preeminent position of North American companies in the Jamaican, Haitian, and Dominican Republican bauxite industries and (to a lesser extent by the early 21st century) in Trinidad’s petroleum economy; the role of British-based companies in West Indian sugar production and refining; and the monopolistic position of both British and North American companies in the marketing of bananas from Jamaica and the Windward Islands.
Have you ever been to Barbados, Grenada,Bequia, St Lucia,St Vincent,Antigua?and chatted to the locals? Spent much time there?The Grenadines,, etc etc....I suppose you think Martinique and Guadalope are somehow different, being Ex-French Colonies?..As said ..Get out more.
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