The British Empire Good or Bad........

It's historical fact.. get over it.
And ask gasbanni not start anymore threads, you won't like what is said. :rolleyes:
..lmao..your bp will not take it more like.Nothing brings you out the closet faster than opportunitys to sling anti UK tripe around..
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You aren't the only contributor to this thread.
"""French colonialism and related wars of independence and the country’s treatment of Jews and other persecuted peoples during the second world war are still very sensitive topics in modern France.""
Well Well..Mr Roberto Balanced need to go far back to find French Atrocites..I do hope,you fancying yourself as an erudite principalled, well educated are currently posting in DIYnot le Frànce and calling theFrench dispicable muderers too.What say thee?Bit of anti semintism thrown in free for you!NEVER heard you bang on about Anti France crap.
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..lmao..your bp will not take it more like.Nothing brings you out the closet faster than opportunitys to sling anti UK tripe around..
So you've finished insulting the French, you'll just satisfy yourself with insulting me ,because you refuse to accept the atrocities committed by Britain.
Well I suppose that saves you being accused of raging xenophobia.
"""French colonialism and related wars of independence and the country’s treatment of Jews and other persecuted peoples during the second world war are still very sensitive topics in modern France.""
Well Well..Mr Roberto Balanced need to go far back to find French Atrocites..
There you go, proof that France does not hide from discussions of its atrocities, nor refuse to accept them.
But there’s one thing they share: both provoked outrage, each in their own way, when they tried to invoke certain divisive moments in French history
Macron stirred up a hornet’s nest when he remarked that France should officially apologise for atrocities committed there.
from your source​
Of course atrocities are sensitive subjects. But they exist.
Racism is a sensitive subject but it exists, and the brave are prepared to discuss it.
When French atrocities are discussed in France, or anywhere else, the participants do not resort to whataboutery, nor to offensive insults against another nationality, as a way of avoiding the discussion. Unless your name is Marine le Pen.

Do you have a link for your source?

I do hope,you fancying yourself as an erudite principalled, well educated are currently posting in DIYnot le Frànce and calling theFrench dispicable muderers too.What say thee?Bit of anti semintism thrown in free for you!NEVER heard you bang on about Anti France crap.
I think you've taken leave of your senses.
Care to reconsider your comments and try to put them into some semblance of intelligible form?
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To be fair to the French, Jews in France had a higher survival rate than in many of the other Nazi occupied countries.
Out of 700,000 Jews in French territories 75,000 were deported, most of them were classified as illegal aliens from other European countries thereby liable for deportation.

The policy of deporting Jews wasn't restricted to Nazi Europe .
The British government also had a policy of deporting those they regarded as illegal aliens.


A refugee from German-occupied Czechoslovakia, being forcibly deported from Croydon airport, Wiener Library, WL25

Once the war started illegal aliens in Britain were sent to internment camps, plenty of photographs exist of Jews and others being put on trains to be sent to the camps.
What death camps ?

a Jew was deported from one of the occupied Channel Islands

afaik she died in Auswitz ?
There were no death camps in the UK.
Internment camps were used to house foreign nationals from Axis countries.
However Britain had a policy of deporting what they called illegal aliens and that included Jews.
The Americans interned Japanese nationals or those if Japanese descent in WW2

tis unlikely that illegals / Jews were deported to death camps or knowingly deported to death camps
I visited Ellis Island and found my uncles family details after they escaped Nazi Belgium.

My Uncles dying brother Loui told me later that day that they arrived in New york only to be transferred to the Philippines because the US had their quota of Jews.

They lived free in Manila.

Then of course the Japanese invaded..... he told me that the Japanese loved children and did not have a problem with the Jews.

Great story he told me it seemed a bit far fetched but I hope it was true. I'll ask my uncle the next time I see him...
Perhaps transam or Durhamplumber will answer the simple question in this thread:
In their opinion, what is/was the driving force in the creation of empires?
I'm referring to any of the recent historical European empires, as they have appeared in recent threads, but the answer equally applies to the creation of any empire.
I am not here for your amusement or education Robbo...Google it but I suspect as usual you are being a smart arße.
Avoiding the obvious?
Why not do what you did yesterday, and duck down into hiding?

Or will you not answer the simple question because it would cause you to have a Damascene conversion, and realise that there is no benevolent motive for the creation of empires. It's simply and purely a drive of greed, power and influence that creates empires. Greed, power and influence that causes atrocities to occur. Bit it's the denial of such atrocities, and the emphasis shifted to the supposedly beneficial effects that confounds the issue.

Would you prefer to hide your face, cover your ears rather than face reality?
Avoiding the obvious?
Why not do what you did yesterday, and duck down into hiding?

Or will you not answer the simple question because it would cause you to have a Damascene conversion, and realise that there is no benevolent motive for the creation of empires. It's simply and purely a drive of greed, power and influence that creates empires. Greed, power and influence that causes atrocities to occur. Bit it's the denial of such atrocities, and the emphasis shifted to the supposedly beneficial effects that confounds the issue.

Would you prefer to hide your face, cover your ears rather than face reality?

You missed out Religion.

Apart from that I'd also like to question why people are trying to re-write history to suit today's sensibilities. What is done, is done. One of the benefits of history is learning from it, hiding the facts narrows peoples minds. Many of the people of African heritage would not be able to take advantage of European (by that I include USA and similar countries) education and benefits, in fact would they even been born without their forebearers being transported across the Atlantic?
So many people conveniently forget that a part of the slave trade was in Africa where tribes preyed on other tribes and sold on the people they captured (I not saying that was right but it happened - and is still happening today in the name of religion) not just to Europeans.
I'm not condoning what was done in the past but I am pleased that today the descendants of the transported people are able to take advantage of the benefits of european heritage culture, that includes education and freedoms. They also enrich society by their presence but also weaken it by rewriting history.
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