There's no motivation when you're being paid not to work
Ellal summed it up quite well a week or so back when he referred to mental health issues. I spend all year moaning that I never have time off, when I do unexpectedly have time off, a few days or a week, I fall into a bit of a depression, there are things to be done at home but when the 'black dog' wanders along, licks you on the face and sits down next to you, all motivation disappears.
The lockdown to me has been a god send in that I've been able to get hold of sufficient materials to embark on a few big projects at home, things we've wanted to do for a few years. I've really enjoyed not having customers 'snapping at my feet' when can I do this?, when can I do that?. I'm just plodding along doing some improvements. The last few days have been a downer as the weather has turned against me but hopefully a few good days are due now.
I really do think now that I don't want to go back to work, 64 yrs old, arthritis, dodgy ticker, but even the minor (major to some people possibly) works that I'm doing at home, the feeling when you stand back at the end of the day and say to yourself; '*** me fillyboy you've done a nice job there', how do you replace that? maybe I'm not built for retirement.