Fuel feast for the wealthy.

When I was a kid we had no central heating. Maybe we should all switch the heating off now.

Its funny when you think back you knew it was bloody cold when you went to bed and when you got up, but you didn't moan about it did you?
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Oh yes I did. Scraping the ice patterns off the window.
The point I was trying to make was that its okay to spend lots of money on things but if those things expend lots of energy in there use then isn't that being irresponsible in the long run.

If people do buy more 'things' then aren't they re-distributing their wealth?

so says the man after an easy buck....

typical socialists... or is it now new or old labour...
why do i feel reading this,it smacks a little of the green eyed monster????

if people can afford it then so what,thats down to them what they do with there wealth.

going on holiday is that classed as being exssesive? maybe it is if taking a plane.
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why do i feel reading this,it smacks a little of the green eyed monster????

if people can afford it then so what,thats down to them what they do with there wealth.

going on holiday is that classed as being exssesive? maybe it is if taking a

Scenario 1. If more and more people chose to us an energy gusling way of life and thought sod you, I can afford it.

Scenario 2. If more and more people chose to cut down on energy use and used there wealth on other things.

The offspring of the scenario 1 & 2. In not so many years time, who do you think will be thought of as selfish berstards! they've used it all up, why?
I'm happy to sit on the fence on this. Two schools of thought.
1 All people cut down on energy usage, they could cause some sort of energy wars and the price could come down.

2 All people cut down on energy. Energy companies put the price up to maintain profits.

Which do you think is more likely, these days?? 1 or 2 ?
I'm happy to sit on the fence on this. Two schools of thought.
1 All people cut down on energy usage, they could cause some sort of energy wars and the price could come down.

2 All people cut down on energy. Energy companies put the price up to maintain profits.

Which do you think is more likely, these days?? 1 or 2 ?

That's completely true. Energy efficient appliances are now in our homes. But energy companies put up prices to compensate.

We are told to buy A* rated energy efficient appliances, so the power companies lose out. So they raise their prices, in parallel, to recoup the price they charge. There was a documentary about this on the other day.

If you are running a twintub in the kitchen, it generates a lot of heat, so less heating of the home, a modern washing machine doesn't. If you are using lightbulbs, sorry this is a contentious issue, but lightbulbs generate heat, whereas, flo tube energy saving bulbs don't. A lightbulb generates 20% light and 80% heat. An energy saving bulb delivers 8% light, and no heat. So a step back in technology. And it will take a lot more steps back in history to uninvent things, to create jobs. What do you do when a lightbulb blows? throw it in the bin, what to do when a new energy efficient bulb blows? seal the room, seal the contents in a bag, and dispose at a specialised site? Because it contains mercury. Poison. Lightbulbs for 100 years haven't contained poison.
Have to agree with the statement about these energy saving light bulbs. When I worked for the local council, if an energy saving light bulb got broken in an office, there was an evacuation of that office whilst the broken bulb was cleared away. Yep, even if that office had 20+ people working there. Even in the middle of winter, the windows had to be opened for half an hour, before people were allowed back in. IF an ordinary bulb had broken, it was just swept up and everyone carried on as normal.
Beaurocracy gone mad, so it is.
This was in the Online Telegraph today


Electricity bills to rise by £500 a year to pay for green energy
Electricity bills will have to rise by up to £500 a year to pay for a new generation of environmentally friendly power stations, it emerged..

Energy analysts say the Coalition's plans will put Britain on course for a "high cost, low carbon" electricity market where consumers pay the price for environmentally friendly generating technology.
Back to the OP, by saving energy, buying an energy efficient car, only switching lights on as required, and being a generally conscientious country we will save the planet?

I'm afraid that saving the planet is a smoke screen. What people mean when they say that is saving myself and mankind, present and future.

The planet itself is in no danger from man. It has already been through many cataclysmic changes and events to get to where it is now. The dinosaurs disappeared, but the planet remained. If man does stupid things that hasten his end, then yes, the planet will suffer for an extremely short time when compared to its total existence, but it will repair itself and continue to exist. Man doesn't have the power to completely destroy or even seriously damage the planet.

Anyhow, saving man is doomed to fail. The more you save (eg. by feeding unsustainably large families in Africa), the more the population grows to unsustainable levels. The world population has grown by 2.5 times in the last 70 years. A big problem for future generations of man, not a problem for the planet.

So, no more about saving the planet. Be honest, you are saving your own skin, and your next concern is for your family. The planet will be just fine.
This was in the Online Telegraph today


Electricity bills to rise by £500 a year to pay for green energy
Electricity bills will have to rise by up to £500 a year to pay for a new generation of environmentally friendly power stations, it emerged..

Energy analysts say the Coalition's plans will put Britain on course for a "high cost, low carbon" electricity market where consumers pay the price for environmentally friendly generating technology.

Charging people big sums to go green is ridiculous. If people have large chunks of their income removed from them in this way, they have two choices; suffer a reduced standard of living, or increase their income to maintain living standards.

Human nature usually results in the second option. Creating greater income means people need to work harder, travel further, import more goods, sell more goods, create more packaging, manufacture more, etc, etc.

In short, creating more income causes lots more pollution.
So, no more about saving the planet. Be honest, you are saving your own skin, and your next concern is for your family. The planet will be just fine.

Agreed, so shouldn't we stop using so much fuel/energy now so our families in the future can live a better life.

Do you not think that somebody is being selfish by filling up a 4x4 with £140 of fuel to drive around town?
So, no more about saving the planet. Be honest, you are saving your own skin, and your next concern is for your family. The planet will be just fine.

Agreed, so shouldn't we stop using so much fuel/energy now so our families in the future can live a better life.

Do you not think that somebody is being selfish by filling up a 4x4 with £140 of fuel to drive around town?

No, not really. In the scheme of things, filling up a 4X4 compared to a Mondeo is small beer. I'm afraid that a lot of the 4X4 antipathy is driven by Guardian reading type jealousy. Sure its bone-headed to run around town in a 4X4, but not sure that its selfish.

A bedouin on a camel might think that any fossil fuel burning personal transport is indulgent.

Anyhow, the oil will eventually run out. By then we could be fuelling transport with all sorts of weird things, eg. peanut shells. If we are, then there will always be someone who has a bigger, shinier peanut shell-fuelled car than the next man. And the envy will still persist.

People hate 4X4 drivers for the same reason that they dislike Yanks or Mr Clarkson. Because the lefty media and politicians tell them to. Oh, and also because they appear to be having a better time than us.
Anyhow, the oil will eventually run out. By then we could be fuelling transport with all sorts of weird things, eg. peanut shells. If we are, then there will always be someone who has a bigger, shinier peanut shell-fuelled car than the next man. And the envy will still persist.

Yes, but in this country at enormous cost.

n.b.The 4x4 statement was from another post not my figure.
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