I presume that must be directed at BAS, since he is the one who brought perversity into the discussion. However, I do have some sympathy with what he is saying about Appendix 4 being "AAF", and the same is really also true of 433.1.....
... 433.1(i) is fair enough, since one first determines the Ib, and then is required by that reg to select an OPD with an In which is not less than Ib. However, (ii) and (iii) say that In or I2 must not exceed Iz or 1.45Iz respectively. As I think you have implied, that is, indeed, rather 'AAF'. One does not select a cable, find its Iz and then determine what In and I2 the OPD has to have in order to satisfy the regulations. It is the necessary cable size (based on characteristics of the OPD) that one determines, not the characteristics of the OPD (based on the cable size and installation method).