And why would he have cirrhosis? Ah, that would be through being a p*sshead - that's not plod's fault either, is it? What are they supposed to do: ask for medical certificates from every crusty, before determining the extent of force to be used?Shytalks: The odds are that he had cirrhosis of the liver which makes the liver brittle. A big shove in the back was enough to crack it open and he bed to death. But that doesn't make it right does it? If I push a 91 year pensioner over and they fracture a hip with the same result would it be a good defence to say "Oh well he only had a couple of years to live so no big deal?" Or would it be manslaughter? Well?
Lightweight..If you're accusing me of not knowing what it's like to be on the receiving end of a plod riot control shoeing, think again. I've had the baton on the legs, the edge of the riot shield in the face, kidney punches from the (now-defunct) snatch squads. I was a (non-voluntary) member of rent-a-crusty for their training on several occasions. I learnt enough from those experiences not to want to get anywhere near plod doing mufti ever again.
And why would he have cirrhosis? Ah, that would be through being a p*sshead - that's not plod's fault either, is it? What are they supposed to do: ask for medical certificates from every crusty, before determining the extent of force to be used?Shytalks: The odds are that he had cirrhosis of the liver which makes the liver brittle. A big shove in the back was enough to crack it open and he bed to death. But that doesn't make it right does it? If I push a 91 year pensioner over and they fracture a hip with the same result would it be a good defence to say "Oh well he only had a couple of years to live so no big deal?" Or would it be manslaughter? Well?
Kin right: those things hurtLightweight..![]()
It's apples and oranges though, isn't it? You're not a member of TSG and he's not a crusty bimbling in front of them.You didn't answer my question about the pensioner. Why are you avoiding it?
The family of De Menzes think we have any way.OK let's assume he was perfectly fit and he was shoved and smashed his skull. Is that OK by you? Is it OK for some Government hit squad to carry out a cowardly attack from behind whilst he walked away with his hands in his pockets? Maybe they should have taken him back to the station and plugged him into the mains? Is that the Police Force you want in the UK? Same as Chile and Argentina?
Yes please.Is that the Police Force you want in the UK? Same as Chile and Argentina?
Ours just bring their 'electricity' with them...Maybe they should have taken him back to the station and plugged him into the mains? Is that the Police Force you want in the UK? Same as Chile and Argentina?
Yes please.Is that the Police Force you want in the UK? Same as Chile and Argentina?