Gammons 4 London

Diane Abbot has been accused of calling Brexiteers “racist” after she linked the UK’s exit from the European Union to a rise in race hate on BBC Question Time.

Viewers criticised the shadow home secretary as “disgraceful” and “disrespectful” after an audience member grilled her on Thursday about remarks she made at the Labour party conference in September.

i voted Brexit

The Leave campaign and this government have both used nationalism and xenophobia to to stoke up division in this country.

As your mate James O Brian says: not all Brexiteers are racist but all racists are Brexiteers.
Rule Britannia, cupcakes, Union Jack, we won the war :ROFLMAO:
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Are they all white? are you using their skin colour as a tool to insult them.
It has nothing to do with with colour.

Gammon describes a type of person, an attitude of mind.'s almost a daily occurrence on here.

But Your picking on people because of they Skin tone yourself. Your a Hypocrite. I merely illustrate that black people skin colour can change like a Gammon to prove a point.
It has nothing to do with with colour.

Gammon describes a type of person, an attitude of mind.

Well then Diane fits in there nicely. Maybe you do need to read through this thread again.
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The Leave campaign and this government have both used nationalism and xenophobia to to stoke up division in this country.

As your mate James O Brian says: not all Brexiteers are racist but all racists are Brexiteers.
Rule Britannia, cupcakes, Union Jack, we won the war :ROFLMAO:

Not all remainers are Racist but Racists can be remainers. So all racist can't be Brexiteers.

Think about that statement
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Im saying anyone any colour can be a Gammon. I don't like the term but sometimes you need to claim it.
Can be, but how does your specific example, Dianne Abbott fit? She doesn't, in any way. It's like saying you're a typical French Lesbian pilot.
When you regularly post positive things about daily life in this country, I might believe you. Till then.........
surely your life can’t be that miserable that nothing good ever happens?
When you regularly post positive things about daily life in this country, I might believe you. Till then.........
surely your life can’t be that miserable that nothing good ever happens?
Why are you responding to a Bot? Silly Dangee, need some male enhancement pills?
Those French Lesbian Pilots really get on my nerves. Always striking about something. Who likes hairy birds anyway?
Can be, but how does your specific example, Dianne Abbott fit? She doesn't, in any way. It's like saying you're a typical French Lesbian pilot.

There is no point me posting an unknown black person. How would we know the personality or politics of that person.

Diane for me fitted the Description of a Gammon..... Nosey bit.... job done point proved. Don't go throwing stones in a green house.
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