How, how does she?Diane for me fitted the Description of a Gammon. Nosey bit.... job done point proved. Don't go throwing stones in a green house.
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internet by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses
Sex is allowed outside of marriage in the UK.Are you married? You whine like a virgin but you never know.
Boycott was a plumber? Well i never!Right wing Brexit voting plumber, most likely from Yorkshire.
Mark Francois
Geoffrey Boycott.
Ferkriteoffxenophobia t
As long as they are white male right wingers that are easily riled (and easily offended).
The term gammon references sex, age, skin colour, political view, temperament.
A gammon being a white angry old man with right wing views.
Would you refer to Corbyn as a Gammon? He is white, old male, not particularly angry at times but is left wing.
Boycott was a plumber? Well i never!
He really was a plumber?? Can you copy and paste that!?..Or linky linkyreally?