General Election 4th July

Starmers plan to get the 16 year old vote will probably back fire as they will have all just come out of 11 years of climate brainwashing and will all vote greens

Giving the vote to clueless people who are easily brainwashed by conspiracy theories is a stupid idea. But you still get a vote.
So I have conspiracy's but you give this a completely free pass - you literally posted right after it and ignored it- if the below is not a conspiracy theory I don't know what is
The election is really to distract attention from the PO enquiry, the Covid one, Maternity and Police in special measures, the NHS backlog etc and probably Gaza too. Not forgetting the cost of living of course. The election will consume news hours and social media space. That will be full of external actors trying to influence things and some internal ones as well.
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They are parroting torey policies to appeal to brexhit voters.
They are not parroting Tory policies.

It’s just a grim fact that the electorate vote for tax cuts not tax rises…….back in the 80s and 90s the Conservatives used North Sea oil revenue, money from flogging council houses and money from privatisations to give away as tax cuts to buy voters.

And here we are 40+ years later in a country with f****d public services and houses too expensive for working people to buy……and taxes higher than ever.

But what can you do? Labour would lose if their policies were tax rises
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I would suggest he is a biased academic, Murphy was an informal economic advisor to Jeremy Corbyn.

The article you link contains some good points but Murphy does seem to spend his time pushing MMT….a favourite magic money tree for socialists
The same MMT that financed furlough. The money is there, its paying it back through taxation thats the issue.
The same MMT that financed furlough. The money is there, its paying it back through taxation thats the issue.
I thought furlough was financed by Quantitatve Easing rather than MMT

MMT is just moving figures on a balance sheet…it’s never paid back.

People like Richard Murphy believe govts can just fund everything on MMT without consequence….which isn’t true
You are the one brainwashed. Brainwashed by climate denier nonsense pushed by fossil fuel interests
climate denier nonsense pushed by fossil fuel interests
Isn't that a conspiracy theory in-of itself.
Anyway I am going to leave it there because its going off topic and the Marxists on here who despise free thinking and speech will get my posts removed and myself banned from the thread - as they did on the climate change one, every one of my posts removed. - There is your conspiracy.
climate denier nonsense pushed by fossil fuel interests
Isn't that a conspiracy theory in-of itself.
Anyway I am going to leave it there because its going off topic and the Marxists on here who despise free thinking and speech will get my posts removed and myself banned from the thread - as they did on the climate change one, every one of my posts removed. - There is your conspiracy.
I doubt any facts were removed
the Marxists on here
the Marxists you see here exist only in your head.

I don't believe you've ever read a Marxist proposition in here, nor have you read enough of Marx's literature to know what it is.

the Marxists you see here exist only in your head.

I don't believe you've ever read a Marxist proposition in here, nor have you read enough of Marx's literature to know what it is.
There are 1, maybe 2 or 3 very left wingers in here. But I don't recognise any Marxists.

Just makes stuff up
I thought furlough was financed by Quantitatve Easing rather than MMT

MMT is just moving figures on a balance sheet…it’s never paid back.

People like Richard Murphy believe govts can just fund everything on MMT without consequence….which isn’t true
QE if your right wing, MMT is you're attacking the left
A term who's meaning has a habit of being used rather variably. Marxism is a political theory pointing out problems with a capitalist system. ;) It predicts an eventual revolution say as per Russia driven via growing wealth gaps.

LOL well the wealth gaps do grow. It's porbably influenced politics to some extent when say starting with slaves and serfs are considered - don't push the proletariat too far or at least not in large numbers.
In the latest example of straw clutching Robert Hayward, a peer and former MP who first identified the phenomenon of “shy Tories” before the 1992 election, burbles his analysis of local election results suggesting that the Conservatives are getting more support from voters who say they are undecided than is showing up in the polls.

Todays poll shows Labour standing on 45% and the Tories at 23%. Since no political party has ever won an election starting so far behind in the polls i'd take his claims with a large pinch of salt. In fact some constituency-level polling by YouGov suggests the Conservatives are heading for near wipeout. Its April projection points to more than 400 seats out of 650 going to Labour.
He must be pinning his hopes on the over 65s.

But even here, the Cons are not doing well.

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