General Election 4th July

Which countries are better tax wise? I'm guessing Switzerland, Australia, US?
Most of the oil/arab states have zero income tax.
India is low tax. It’s common in my industry to take a tour in Dubai to earn a tax free pension. Post Covid you can easily work remotely.

Plus with a digital nomad visa you can live in one place but pay taxes elsewhere.

US doesn’t have capital gain tax but even within the EU they like their special treatment of certain income / investment. So it can be easy to claim exemptions.

A lot of my work involves generating “value” in IP that enables various offsets. Denmark for example has royalty exemptions.
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no chance

Farage isnt interested in actually working

here is my prediction: if you vote Labour this time you will help boot out the useless Tories.....and if Labour win this time, they will be in for 10 years....hopefully they will introduce PR and Tories will never win again
Why on earth would they do that and on what basis is there a mandate given the public rejected it at the previous referendum. Or are you thinking hung parliament means deals will be done?
Eighth time lucky?
You profess to have all the answers and plenty of time on your hands. Tell us, how did you get on when you stood in your local elections or were you just to busy on this forum criticising just about everything apart from those cheeky Palestinians?
But I notice this – in 2022, when the Prime Minister was chancellor, he made this promise – “I can confirm, in 2024, for the first time the basic rate of income tax will be cut from 20p to 19p.” Having briefed that all week – that an income tax cut was coming – that promise is in tatters today. Although I have to note, that the Chancellor – when he was health secretary 10 years ago – promised to make the NHS paperless by 2018.

Taxes [remain at] a 70-year high.

Last year he announced 110 growth measures. He said we’ve “turned the corner” – and where are we now, Britain in recession. An economy smaller than when the Prime Minister entered Downing Street. The textbook definition of decline....after 14 years, who do they actually think feels better off?

Productivity is flat.

Mortgages – through the roof.

Housebuilding – off a cliff.

Worklessness – rising and rising.

Homelessness – never higher.

Sewage in our rivers.

Billions and billions of taxpayers’ money wasted.

£7bn by the Prime Minister on Covid fraud alone.

£500m on the Rwanda scheme that has achieved precisely nothing.

I can keep going – a railway line that will never reach our great Northern cities.
( In fact – might not even reach central London. )
Billions upon billions for a white elephant without a trunk!
While today we learn – taxpayers are picking up the bill for the Science Minister’s libel.

And all the time – one thing that is growing – the waiting lists in our NHS now nearly 8 million.

With no repudiation of the utterly discredited idea that economic growth is something the few gift to the many.
The longest period of stagnation Britain has seen since 1955.

It is time to break the habit of 14 years....And Labour are ready.

Keir Starmer's response to the Budget in March
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Tis a funny (?) old carry on

Kier starmer welcomes that Elphick into the party as she defects from the tories


Diane Abbot has not been reinstated into the party

:giggle: :giggle:

Jeremy Corbyn former leader of the party kicked out is now having to stand as an independent

But I notice this – in 2022, when the Prime Minister was chancellor, he made this promise – “I can confirm, in 2024, for the first time the basic rate of income tax will be cut from 20p to 19p.” Having briefed that all week – that an income tax cut was coming – that promise is in tatters today. Although I have to note, that the Chancellor – when he was health secretary 10 years ago – promised to make the NHS paperless by 2018.

Taxes [remain at] a 70-year high.

Last year he announced 110 growth measures. He said we’ve “turned the corner” – and where are we now, Britain in recession. An economy smaller than when the Prime Minister entered Downing Street. The textbook definition of decline....after 14 years, who do they actually think feels better off?

Productivity is flat.

Mortgages – through the roof.

Housebuilding – off a cliff.

Worklessness – rising and rising.

Homelessness – never higher.

Sewage in our rivers.

Billions and billions of taxpayers’ money wasted.

£7bn by the Prime Minister on Covid fraud alone.

£500m on the Rwanda scheme that has achieved precisely nothing.

I can keep going – a railway line that will never reach our great Northern cities.
( In fact – might not even reach central London. )
Billions upon billions for a white elephant without a trunk!
While today we learn – taxpayers are picking up the bill for the Science Minister’s libel.

And all the time – one thing that is growing – the waiting lists in our NHS now nearly 8 million.

With no repudiation of the utterly discredited idea that economic growth is something the few gift to the many.
The longest period of stagnation Britain has seen since 1955.

It is time to break the habit of 14 years....And Labour are ready.

Keir Starmer's response to the Budget in March
the standard response from the right wing supporters on here will be "yeah but Labour wont be any better" (which translates as: "I dont care how sh1t Tories have been over last 14 years, I shall be voting for them again)

I would say: given how sh1t the last 14 years has been, how can there possible be any risk in giving somebody else a go
If Labour don’t get in I’ll be amazed. And as we’ve all said they won’t struggle to make a difference given how bad things are.

But they will still end up making a **** show of it, like they did last time.

I won’t be wasting a vote.
Or vote Reform which will also boot out the Gov and it will also allow labour to win BUT if Reform do well then a labour gov will have to be mindful of that and will not go full socialist.

the Labour party have never gone "full socialist" ever in its history, its not a socialist party and never has been

even during Corbyn a leader, Labour was a social democrat party similar to the Scandinavian countries
You have to take things literally don't you, Yes maybe full socialist was the wrong term but what I meant was just like when more people voted for brexit supporting constituents than leave it gave a very clear message to the incoming conservative gov that the public want the referendum carried out.
So voting Reform will take votes from conservative but if labour win then a strong result for Reform will give them a big message.
Maybe farage knows he has no chance as leader of Reform and is waiting for the conservatives to be destroyed and he will then step in and become leader.
the standard response from the right wing supporters on here will be "yeah but Labour wont be any better" (which translates as: "I dont care how sh1t Tories have been over last 14 years, I shall be voting for them again)
Why do you call everyone who does not support labour "right wing" Is everyone that is not to the left of labour "right wing" in your eyes.
Why do you call everyone who does not support labour "right wing" Is everyone that is not to the left of labour "right wing" in your eyes.
Because he doesn’t have the mental capacity to see anyone else’s point of view. Even though he used to support the conservatives
You have to take things literally don't you, Yes maybe full socialist was the wrong term but what I meant was just like when more people voted for brexit supporting constituents than leave it gave a very clear message to the incoming conservative gov that the public want the referendum carried out.
So voting Reform will take votes from conservative but if labour win then a strong result for Reform will give them a big message.
Maybe farage knows he has no chance as leader of Reform and is waiting for the conservatives to be destroyed and he will then step in and become leader.
Why do you think Farage is "the man" to sort things out?

Going further right than now is not what is needed
Why do you call everyone who does not support labour "right wing" Is everyone that is not to the left of labour "right wing" in your eyes.
If new Labour are centre or centre left, where are the Tories?

Not further left are they, so they have to be right wing.

Unless you are a closet Green of course
Why do you call everyone who does not support labour "right wing" Is everyone that is not to the left of labour "right wing" in your eyes.
I dont

I call anybody who is clearly right wing, right wing

Its easy to see by their attitude to people on benefits, foreigners, immigration policy, their slavish devotion to conspiracy theories, their denial of man made climate change, their support for Trump, their position on brexit and the position they take on phoney culture wars

NWGS is one such person
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