You get links from strange people.Just received a link to another interesting story linked to the above, from a Jewish news outlet but worth a read.
UNRWA funding. I see the actions on that rather like Trump's, more recently seen as a bad mistake. At least he said why. He disregarding complications and said it isn't doing what he wants. What does it achieve. Disband HAMAS - no. Inflict more pain on Palestinians probably yes which will be why the funding was restarted. In essence it's an embargo aimed at Palestinians. if it bites they will know who did it, great for relationships. It wont cause "peaceful" Palestinians to take up arms and start killing off members of militant groups. If there is an election again would this help stop them voting for Hamas and cause them to vote for the lot in the west bank? It's pretty obvious why there has been no elections in the west bank. That set up is a deal done with the PLO / FATAH. Sounds like Israel wants to get shut of them too,
The UN. There is no doubt at all that the 2 state solution could have been forced at several points via embargoes. It hasn't been. We have the UN with it's rules and these get ignored. End result now is likely to be Palestinians having some form of government forced on them maybe with promises of a 2 state solution that never happens.
Israel has been empowered to handle a tricky situation. Embargo on the Gaza Strip and effectively control of the West Bank. They'd like full and complete control of both.