Germany suspends use of AZ vaccine again.



This time due to blood clots.

This is all well and good. But the last data I have found, which is a bit out of date, suggested there was a slightly higher prevalence of clotting seen after the pfizer vaccine had been administered.

Both rates were however lower than what would have been expected in that number of people anyway.

So, are there more up to date figures available to support the suspension of AZ but not the suspension of Pfizer?
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Is this the whole of the country, its not clear from the news reports?
Having dug themselves a deep hole, the Europeans are looking for any excuse to justify their reluctance to use the vaccines until their own comes on stream.
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Leave them to it, saves us having to worry about them wanting supplies from outside the EU. Yes I know we all need to be jabbed to be safe but how many more times are they going to pull this sh1t.

Then European are crazy sons of guns, I don't think this is about safety I believe there is an alteria motive, maybe to slow the vaccine rate further to make the doses they have last longer .. I don't know but it's very odd thing to be doing.

Cue Bobby d foaming at the mouth with pointless drivel ...
Mind you some German doctor bloke was on the radio about the caper

apparently they are vaccinating younger people I.e

they sort of started this AZ roll out
The opposite way around to the Uk

we have started at the duffer end of the population

these German brain blood clots are all in younger people 10
I think and they alll snuffed it

happened with in 16 days

blimey only had my AZ vaccine last week :eek:

get past 16 days and I will be laughing
Is this the whole of the country, its not clear from the news reports?
The article mentioned two hospitals in Berlin and a specific female age group. The report also said that Germany have already administered millions of doses of AZ vaccine.
Is it mainly young women on the pill that are getting it? The pill on its own can cause blood clots but it’s still prescribed. I know Mrs Mottie was always urging our daughter to come off the 'old fashioned' pill because of the blood clot risk.
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