Germany suspends use of AZ vaccine again.

You probably didn't know about the German pause either, but it wouldn't stop you having a dig.

Er yes I did Noseall

all this caper will have a French connection some where ;)

canada well French canadians / influenced by France ?

Germany under pressure from the French ;)

any s*** going on in the world and you could bet yer mortgage that some where lurking in the back ground are the French scoundrels ;)

macron is in receipt of a report / enquiry about there involvemant in this Rwanda genocide caper in the 90's

that will require redacting big time
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Vaccines, N. I. Protocol and excluding the UK from European Hi Tech R&D appear to be a pattern of anti UK behavior from the EU led by Germany and France.
NI protocol is caused by Brexit.

If you drive your into a wall do you blame someone else?
Mmmmm why did you edit????
He made a spelling mistake when pulling you up on......a spelling mistake! I pointed it out and he got all defensive, accused me of making his spelling mistake, realised he was wrong, corrected it and then tried to style it out. :LOL:
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