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Yeah, the guy was no longer a threat and that attack was pure revenge.

Apparently, his brother is a cop in GMP.

Oh dear.
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He wasn't "upholding the law", he was violently assaulting a man who was no threat to him.
If I did that to someone, I'd probably be charged with attempted murder.
certainly ABH, possibly GBH
Well done GMP all involved should recieve a medal for doing what a lot of us would like to do and upholding the law without pussyfooting about
Answer me this.

Imagine a scenario where your nearest and dearest found themselves in such a situation, whether they had done something wrong or not. Then for whatever reason it all kicks off.

Would you still be saying 'give 'em a medal' like 30p Lee if the person who'd been kicked in the head was your <insert close and loved relative here>?

Yes the police need to be aggressive and dominant in certain situations, however kicking someone in the head as part of this? Nah, or only in the very rarest of circumstances e.g. if life genuinely in danger. Certainly from the footage, the guy who was kicked didn't appear to be in a dominant threatening position. Although yes, we do need to know the context leading up to etc.

Be VERY careful about wishing we had a police force that could do such things and be patted on the back for doing so. One day it might just be you on the receiving end ...
They had been attacking armed police what would have happened if they had got the guns off them . Anyone stupid enough to chin a. Armed Anti terrorist copper gets all they deserve you make sure they don't get back up pure and simple in many countries it would have beena bullet in his head not a kick . Well done that PC for containing him and not killing him
They had been attacking armed police what would have happened if they had got the guns off them . Anyone stupid enough to chin a. Armed Anti terrorist copper gets all they deserve you make sure they don't get back up pure and simple in many countries it would have beena bullet in his head not a kick . Well done that PC for containing him and not killing him
Which countries?
I bet the PC is now glad he will likely be charged and lose his job. What a wally.
Yeah far better if he had been killed if someone had got his gun off him bet he is kicking himself .
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