Police Entrapment.

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I have a love-hate relationship with the Police - I realise their purpose in life, and respect that, but have no truck with Police that don't stick to the rules themselves and set Joe Public a good example. I am cheeky to the point of really p*ssing them off, but am always polite and reasonable. I don't believe that the police should be able to intimidate somebody just because of their position - "I'm an officer of the law, and you will be frightened of me!"

Today, I followed a traffic car down a 40mph dual carriageway. He was doing 45 - 55 mph (by my speedo, anyway), weaving in and out of traffic and not indicating.

Now, I know two wrongs don't make a right, but I was making a point.

I followed the police car and did what he did. If he pulled out without indicating, so did I. If he drove at 50 mph, so did I.

He pulled me over and showed me the video of my misdemeanors.

I nodded politely and agreed with everything he said.

"Now, before I fill in a ticket, have you anything to say?"

"Yes", I said, "Can we start with replaying the tape?"

He looked at me non-plussed, but reran the tape.

"Here", I said, "was where you pulled out into the second lane without indicating, and here was where you accelerated to just under 50mph."

"Then you pulled back in, overtaking that blue Astra on the inside......."

"OK Sir," said the cop "Be on your way. Have a nice day!"

"Thank you," I said. "You can see my point, though? How can the public be expected to drive in a correct and safe manner, if you don't set a good example?"

My parting shot to him was: "I'll be sure to do nothing that you don't do!!"

Ooh, I LOVE a challenge!

One day, I'll be arrested for it.......until then..... :evil:

In a previous meetig with police, it was an unmarked BM on another DC bordering Manchester & Cheshire with 50 limit.

He was going very slowly approaching a r/about in the second lane, so I overtook on the inside, thinking he was turning right and had forgotten to indicate.

He speeded up and flagged me down.

"Why were you overtaking me on the inside?" he demanded crossly.

"Because I thought you were turning right" I said.

"I'm going to book you for dangerous driving" he said.

"Good" I said "But before you do, which force are you with?"

"GMP" was the reply.

"Great", I said, "I'll write a letter to the CC explaining what you have done: in my book that is police entrapment."

"And if it ever gets to court, the magistrate will take a dim view of your actions today, won't he?"


A lot of Police intimidate you and try to make you beg forgiveness (I'm sure some get a kick out of it). That's not how it should be.

A long time ago (1985) I was stopped by two police in a plain car and plain clothes. They pulled me over by shouting "Stop you f'ing w@n ker. Can you imagine who would stop when a plain car with two aggressive blokes in plain dress swear at you? No, neither can I.

They used very aggressive techniques and language and threatened me with (in this order) court, imprisonment and arrest on suspicion of damaging council property (I hit the kerb when I was pulled over).

I complained straight away to the division chief, who came round to discuss things. His tack right from the beginning was "But it's OK because you haven't been booked."

Completely missing the point about the manner of my being stopped and the way they spoke to me. It went right over his head.

I believe they are much better now, but I still come across some over-zealous officers who just can't let some things go.
There was a classic here a few months ago. The local council were hitting down hard on parking offenders, to the point of booking people even after the restricted hours had passed? There was a real outcry about it but if a car is parked illegally then it deserves a ticket IMO. So I had to larf when the local paper showed a series of photos, taken by a resident, of two coppers who had parked on a double yellow, in a bus stop, so they could get a cold drink from the newsagent. Double standards me thinks!!
Yeah Studders, agreed!

In the gutter press you get the odd piccy of someone official parking illegally to go about their business - just lately it was two traffic wardens parking on DY lines to book people for doing the same - makes you VERY ANGRY, dosn't it?!!

There was a prog on BBC3 a while back where this geezer dressed up as a superhero chained himself to a Westminster Council Wagon who had parked on DY lines in London, in order to get food or something like. He said he wasn't going to release himself until the TW issued a ticket to them.

The police were called and a lot of discussion ensued, culminating in the Wagon being issued with a ticket!!

I had a similar situation one night driving through Hereford. Approaching a set of traffic lights they changed to green while I was still about 20ft from them. So I naturally accellerated through them. A police car was waiting at the junction to my left. He immediately flew up behind me with just his blue lights on (no other lights).

He then tuggs me out of the car physically and asks why I think he has stopped me. "Well, I was going a bit quick through that last junction" I replied. He tries to con me that he has just followed me through the junction (lie, he came from the left).

He then goes on to say that I had gone through a red light, and if I still didn't realise it, he shall have to do me for, driving without due care and attention as well. I stick to my story that they were definately green for me, but he had obviously come through a red light to follow me.

I stick to my story and point out that, I know it was him that came from the left as he still hasn't got any lights on. At that point he gets very angry and bundles me into the back of his car. I notice that there is a video camera pointing straight at me.

Then he says, "I am now formally arresting you for driving through a red light. You do not have to say ... So is there anything you want me to wright down".

"Yes, I have not gone through any lights on red that applied to the path I was taking, further more, the arresting officer has adopted an agressive attitude although the defendant has done nothing to provoke this."

He repeats "So what do you want me to write down"
I repeat my previous statement and add. "I'm aware that I am on tape and I am demanding my right to say something that I will later rely on in court, so please write this down."

He then says, "You're very lucky, I've decided on this occasion to let you off with a caution. blah blah blah"
i bet you didn't know the blue light on the average police car is ilegal. I kid you not.

its too low to the ground
This all reminds me of an incident that I experienced some time back.

Made me bloody livid! and was surely tempted to make a complaint, but in the end decided that the two witness'es bears more weight than one...

Here's the scenario...

Pull away from roundabout onto duel carriageway and accelerate quickly. Very soon travelling faster than car in front, so check mirrors and notice that car in outside lane preventing me from over taking. Because the car is daudling past, I get close to the car in front (not dangerously, but too close for safe braking etc.) Because I realise that I'm not getting past. I back right off and just let the numpty overtaking, finish. After, he has passed, I then indicate and pull out. Now the other driver seeing, me pull out decides to do the same! (there is no other traffic!) So there we are both in the outside lane... After sitting behind (safe distance) for a while I flash my lights, to which he replies with hand signals I have not seen in the highway code, but do seem to be quite clear... :eek:

He then proceeds to slow down to about 45 mph, still in the outside lane. Almost trying to goad me into undertaking... To which I just take a deep breath, back off and decide that I am not going to be forced into doing something silly or illegal. He then pulls into the inside lane.

On approaching the next roundabout, (I am behind him in a queue of traffic) he produces his badge and indicates to me to pull over! :rolleyes:

Now, I don't even know what a police badge looks like! So it could have been, but found this quite disturbing! (and his wife did too I think :( )

He became very agitated when I just gave him a thumbs up to acknowledge his 'badge'!

When I got home I was a shaking wreck, I'd managed to contain myself and stop myself from doing anything silly, and poor Mrs Janitor had to listen to my ranting!!! By far the safest and best option!

If only cars were fitted with a camera...

I dare say would be 'inadmissable' in a court of law tho... :rolleyes:
I used to work on a site near Gatwick Airport doing all sorts of odd hours. Every time I went out in my van I would get stopped. Just got used to it in the end. The best one was when I was doing 40 in a 40 limit. Police car pulled out of side road (30 limit) and stopped me. "Excuse me sir what speed were you doing?" "40" I said. "Do you know what the speed limit is here sir?" "Yes, it's 40" I replied. Pause. "Your tow bar is obscuring your number plate a bit...."
about 4 yrs ago i approached a roundabout & there was a man on a mountain bike in front of me.as it was a very busy roundabout (about 6 junctions) you had to be quick to get across,so i look forward,noted that the bike had moved forward,glanced to my right to see a small gap,i'm off,the mountain bike decides to stop dead so i could not avoid him,he fell off but was completly fine & unhurt,for some reason i went ballistic saying what the f*** are you doing etc.....
so i suggest we pull over @ the bus stop 100yds on the left,he RIDES HIS BIKE & we discuss the incident & agree 50/50 & i give him a pen and paper to write down my reg no. etc......
i even offered to but his bike in the back & take him to work or get his wheel repaired which was slightly buckled which i agreed to pay for?
about 2 days later my wife gets a tel call from the local police station that they wanted to speak to me.
of i trot to see the law.
i am told i will be charged with driving without due care & attention.failure to stop after an accident & he really let rip @ me saying it could have been his wife i had hit,that i was irresponsible etc....
f*** this i thought when he said i could lose my clean licence & 60 % ncb
it was an inprisonable offence.
i said to him how come he got my reg plate if i had'nt stooped & given him pen/paper to write it down.he said that he will pass on my address to this bloke as he was obliged to,but when i asked for the blokes details says can't disclose that sir.
3 days of sh***ing it i get a phone call from mr plod saying that the other party would like to talk to me,so i ring the other bloke & go round to sse him after he gave me his address.
blokes really nice & polite all he wanted was £10.00 for the spokes to be tightened & he was really sorry about the whole thing.
on the way out i said why did you cause loads off grief for me?.blank expression.don't know what you mean mate he says.w****Y copper.
goes round to the local police & the chap was unavailable for comment.
jumped up desk- bound t**t got nothing to do to make his boring job any more exciting.pond life the lot of them :evil:
Did you know that traffic wardens aren't allowed to stop a car?

There is a pedestrianised road in the town centre that some idiots still insist on driving down at great speed towards the pedestrians in the hope that they will get out of the way. This shortcut saves them all of about a minute as the next junction is 50m down the road and brings them out in the same place.

One afternoon I was walking down said road and as usual car traffic pulls in just opposite a traffic warden. She just stands there so I said why didn't you do anything about that car. She clearly wasn't interested in talking to me and called this rather large b*****d of a superior over to scare me off. Eventually they told me that is the car is moving they cannot stop it for an offence, but if I would like to stop the car for them they will then give them a fixed penalty notice.

I guess when someone is eventually run down they will do something about it until then they will stick with the easy pickings like parking tickets
IanDB said:
I used to work on a site near Gatwick Airport doing all sorts of odd hours. Every time I went out in my van I would get stopped. Just got used to it in the end. ...."

Yeah I've had that one when I used to work late. Got pulled over for no reason and it was obvious the copper wanted a drink driving nick. Apparently I was 'weaving all over the road' which was total crap, then he said I was 'driving almost in the gutter' ??? so which was it?
He was so dissapointed when he asked if I'd been drinking and I said 'yes.... several cups of coffee at work! ' so he asked where I'd been and where I was going 'errr... at work.... home to bed' Just to be an awkward t i t he kept me waiting by trying to find something wrong with the car. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

And I won't even mention the time I got 'nicked' for 'stealing my own car'??????
Suddenly remembered this incident when I was about 12.

I was coming home from a friends house at night, being winter it was already dark.

Since I did not have lights on my bicycle, I was being very sensible and 'scooting' along on the pavement (standing on one pedal and pushing myself along with the other foot).

Along comes a copper in a patrol car, stops beside me and tells me to get off my bike. He then proceeds to go on about how I should have lights fitted and not ride on the pavement. He did not share my opinion that I was not actualy riding the bike?

Now, being very quiet and polite and respectful, I just had to stand there and be told off for something which to this day I don't think was wrong? He then took all my details and shortly afterwards, my parents and I were summoned to the Police Station where we had to be told off by a senior officer... :evil:

Can't say that did the establishment any favours in my young developing opinion.
i had exactly the same thing happen & he said "are you thick as 2 short planks" they then went & gave my dad a b*****ing & i said "dad would you rather i cycled on the road with no lights or the pavement" he understood what i meant, but still had to see the police for a lecture :rolleyes:
The incident that kicked all this off for me was the first night I went out after passing my test.

I came home crossing the same DC that featured in my initial post, and was followed by a copper who stopped me accusing me of running a red, and proceeded to ask all sorts of questions (the questions a cunning copper asks a driver who he suspects is drunk....) like, where are you coming from, what time is it, where are you going to, how long do you expect it to take you to complete your journey......etc.

What's your index?

Papa Mike Alpha, 705 Victor, I replied.

I play my trump card every time I talk to a copper - I use the phonetic alphabet. It seems to either unnerve them, or else they are impressed a member of the public knows it, too. Either way, I feel it works in my favour.

I asked what I had been stopped for, and he told me I had run a red light, but it was definitely green. I said if he wanted to stop me, he didn't need a trumped up excuse, he should have just stopped me for a breath test.

Don't know why, but they always have a reason, even though they don't need one to stop you. Why is that?

Anyway, I blew into the bag, and as soon as the crystals showed OK, he said "On your way".

What about the red light? I asked.

What red light? came the reply.
Maybe it is just a technique they use??

Accuse the victim... sorry I mean offender... Sh*t no, sorry - innocent member of the public into thinking he been caught committing an offence (for example - running a red light) and this may reveal certain body language/signals that the person is edgey and hiding something else??? Just a thought...

When I was 19, I bought a brand new Ford Escort in black. Proud as can be! But obiously stood out to the local plod as I was stoppped three times in two days on routine checks! Still had to have a V10 (form requesting you produce your documents at the local police station) each time!

Also, my father was done for running a red light years ago (which to this day - strictly proclaims his innocence).

How travelling around in the back of the Reliant Supervan MKIII was fun after that! :evil: Any sign of amber... HOLD ON KIDS!!!! as we braced for impact as he slammed on the brakes!!!

Any sign of amber and his right foot would shoot out... Bad news when he was watching the telly! Poor dog! :D
You could always try offering them a strange handshake ;)

I haven't had any real problems with the police. A couple of finger-wags when I was 17 or 18, always for things I hadn't done but they would show up at the point where they couldn't tell either way... I mean, would you believe a 17 year old telling you "No, I'm holding this traffic cone for a friend... Dave? DAVE? Where have you gone?!" Of course Dave had scarpered. :LOL: So despite being stone-cold sober, I was offered the choice of putting the cone back where "Dave" found it or a night in the cells.

Had the spotlight shined through the window at various "make out" locations back then, really put a damper on the evening! :LOL: Afterwards you realise the policemen were probably laughing to themselves "I used to do the same when I was a teenager".