Good Idea?

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, as i'd make anyone driving a smoky petrol/diesel vehicle pay an extra toll for the privilige of carrying on their arcane practices, until they're left with no choice to buy an EV when those rusty dinosaurs are finally phased out.

Spite then.

At least you've - at last - admitted what your real objections to EV are (y)

The hypocrisy is coming thick and fast now. You accused me of spite, but couple of posts before this one allowed Odds to make an even more spiteful, vengeful comment against ICE owners.

Of course you're fine with spitefulness, as long as it's directed at a certain group of people. But highlight it from others when it doesn't suit your blinkered double standards. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

It's becomming clear that EV owners come from the same mould as pious liberals, and are riven with the same hypocritical traits.
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It isn't just EV drivers who'd pay for these services to begin with, as i'd make anyone driving a smoky petrol/diesel vehicle pay an extra toll for the privilige of carrying on their arcane practices, until they're left with no choice to buy an EV when those rusty dinosaurs are finally phased out.

You horrible, spiteful rotter. (y)
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The hypocrisy is coming thick and fast now. You accused me of spite, but couple of posts before mine allowed Odds to make an even more spiteful, vengeful comment against EV owners.

Don't you mean "ICE" owners? ;)
Stop frothing (y)

And, being pedantic, Odds said "smoky" ;)
Now if you could just get Avocet to see the error of his ways for calling DiyNut a sap for using oil when he uses huge tankfuls of the stuff himself, we can all put our rattles back in our prams and go home. (y)

I draw the line at that, as Nutter is a full-blown barmpot, suckling at the teat of The Tw@t with many hats, and the Roadkill Rug Septic (y)
Just how does your bladder survive a 600 mile trip, anyway? ;)

Years of training it in The White Lion, and when I do need to break the seal, it only requires a quick 5 min stop for another lovely fresh tank of diesel and a waz. :cool:(y)

Not a 3 hour break and copious amounts of coffee while I wait for the amps to flow.
Years of training it in The White Lion, and when I do need to break the seal, it only requires a quick 5 min stop for another lovely fresh tank of diesel and a waz. :cool:(y)

I can't begin to imagine how tiring such long journeys, in a diesel van to boot, must be.
Especially when one gets older.
As Clarkson once said (about one of those trans-Europe "car-vs-public-transport" wheezes), it is the fleshy bag behind the wheel that is the limiting factor, not the car.

It can't be safe.
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