Goodnight Iran.

its not a forum function
It says “edited” when it has been.

Would you like proof ?
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It wasn’t an attack on the state or the actions of the state.

You think trivialising the holocaust is criticism of the state?

Give your head a shake and then give odds, johnd’s, notch’s and Denso’s one too
I haven't noticed posts doing such, so could you point them out...

And since you have changed tack onto 'trivialising' here, could you also point out those who are 'trivialising' the genocide and mass killers of innocent civilians by the state of israel?

Or those that 'trivialise' the historical fact that israel is at the top table when it comes to forcing people off their land and creating vast numbers of refugees?

So do you believe that it is 'trivalising' one horrific period of time to make a comparison with other parts of the world in order to point out that we fail ourselves by not learning from history?

Or do you agree with those who appear to react with 'triviality' when they address the actions of israel against innocent Paletinians/Muslims that has been going on for decades?
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and those that 'snigger' at the killing of innocents.


Not by the Israelis they weren't. And to be clear, Iran unleashing hundreds of ballistics at Israel and only managing to takt out 1 Palestinian is worth a chuckle surely.
Still, it kept the 'Iran will destroy Israel' brigade quiet for a few days. (y)
As long as it’s taught you not to edit people’s posts?

Then we can leave it there.
Thank you for admitting the "last edited" note does not necessarily show

You really are a most dishonest person, arent you?

only a person with not morals would edit their post and not admit it.............the sort of person who makes accusations of anti semitism but cant back them up with a single example

It is sad there are sly people around, but they exist sadly and you are an example
Thank you for admitting the "last edited" note does not necessarily show

You really are a most dishonest person, arent you?

only a person with not morals would edit their post and not admit it.............the sort of person who makes accusations of anti semitism but cant back them up with a single example

It is sad there are sly people around, but they exist sadly and you are an example
I’ve admitted nothing of the sort.

You edited My post! Like a little tiny child.

Can you find someone else to bother please.
only a person with not morals would edit their post and not admit
Yep! I agree with you. You altered mine and have been caught out

You’re so desperate for attention and likes from nose etc you’ve stooped to a new low!

You make me sick.
NWGS is still unable to produce a single example of antisemitism

poor chap is too much of coward to admit it
one that you will accept you mean..

The fact is there are many and you want to argue otherwise. Your are welcome to your opinion. It doesn't make it fact, because you think it and it doesn't make it wrong because you disagree with it.

I know thats a difficult thing to get your head round.
The fact is there are many
So there are "So many" examples of anti semitism

Yet Motorbiking, NWGS, Fillyboy, Mottie, KoolPC, AndyDevon are unable to provide a single example

Your are welcome to your opinion.
It is not opinion

You nor NWGS, Fillyboy, Mottie, KoolPC, AndyDevon etc have not produced a single example if anti semitism

You need to either produce the evidence or retract your false smears

So come on, surely between all of you, you can provide a single example..................oh thats right you cant because you are all conflating criticism of state of Israel with hatred of Jews
Nobody can provide evidence that Notch will accept. He thinks that means the evidence is not there

No wonder he always post NotchyFacts™
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