Gove: Who needs experts? Or did he mean exports?

The rich give money to the Tory party to influence policy that ensures the wealthy keep their wealth.

So during the decade of Tory austerity, the top 1% increased their wealth dramatically.
It seems to be a zero sum game with the Tories.
For them to win, others have to lose.
They seem intent in turning Britain into some sort of low wage banana republic.
They don't even have the saving grace of being patriotic anymore.
The problem is that the political alternatives to Tory rule would probably make things even worse.
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It seems to be a zero sum game with the Tories.
For them to win, others have to lose.
They seem intent in turning Britain into some sort of low wage banana republic.
They don't even have the saving grace of being patriotic anymore.
The problem is that the political alternatives to Tory rule would probably make things even worse.

UK has a broken political system until FPTP is ended nothing will change.

Tory rule since Thatcher has seen more and more wealth concentrate in London and SE whilst the regions of the North, West, NI and parts of Scotland have seen no investment and constant decline.

Brexit sadly will only further that inequality.

You are probably correct....the alternative parties are poor. The only real alternative is Labour which is really 2 parties and can't unite to form a realistic opposition
Someone on here is so desperate to agitate, they keep involving them selves in posts directed at others. Why don’t they create there own thread then people can decide whether to converse with them or not.
Or as someone puts it NOYB.
You could ignore me, if you don't want to read my comments. :ROFLMAO:
In the meantime, it's a relative public forum.
If you want a private discussion with someone, there's another process to facilitate that.
G. Why am I a rabid loon?
Are you denying mass low skilled immigration has caused wage stagnation at the lower end of the market?
Try to debate without hurling uncalled for insults. If you can.

It never ceases to amaze me how dumbos on here are so well versed in economics, market systems etc.

I am happy to debate but you have to first agree on facts and not your opinions.

So your concern is the effect of immigration on low or unskilled labour wages? Lets discuss the data, point it out and we can have a discussion you will soon find that there are other effects that are more powerful on wage stagnation at the lower end than immigration but now can you also tell me with fact the effect of migration on the higher end wages and then aggregate all of this up.
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A fairer distribution of wealth would help.
Austerity sucks money out at the bottom of society, if there is billions less in circulation it effects everyone, less tax to be collected ect.

A fairer distribution requires someone in Government to make that moral judgement of what a fairer distribution is. But how can you do that when it conflicts with free market economics. What bozos do not unerstand is that there are costs to this ultra free market new liberal view that they cannot ignore.

Or they can accept that free markets mantra is just a dumb soundbite used to push an agenda. A totally free market is the wild west, no regulations, no controls every man for themselves the moment you create a structure within that to facilitate exchange then you are not talking about a free market as much as a regulated market.