Great british cars-nostalgia

, and substitute with a rover V8 block...... which i think actually was originally a chevvy V8 block.

Very close. It's a Buick lump. All the same GM family though, GM bought Buick in 1908.

Story was, someone from Rover visited Buick's engine design department in Detroit. He discovered the alloy V8 there, asked about it, and was told that GM had decided not to manufacture it. Rover first put it in their P5B (B = Buick), as an alternative to the 3 litre straight six. The rest is history.

History lesson over. ;)
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I had a thing for two cars.... A Triumph Stag and a Reliant Scimitar SE6....I had a string of Triumph Dolomite Sprints and Rover SD1s...

Yerrrsss, Triumph snags, Reliant (there's some fine british humour for you) scimitars, Trimuph pile o' s**te, and Rover STI's .... who can forget :LOL:
I had a thing for two cars.... A Triumph Stag and a Reliant Scimitar SE6....I had a string of Triumph Dolomite Sprints and Rover SD1s...

Yerrrsss, Triumph snags, Reliant (there's some fine british humour for you) scimitars, Trimuph pile o' s**te, and Rover STI's .... who can forget :LOL:

SD1 Vitesse in Cobalt (?) Blue :cool:
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I had a thing for two cars.... A Triumph Stag and a Reliant Scimitar SE6....I had a string of Triumph Dolomite Sprints and Rover SD1s...

Yerrrsss, Triumph snags, Reliant (there's some fine british humour for you) scimitars, Trimuph pile o' s**te, and Rover STI's .... who can forget :LOL:

SD1 Vitesse in Cobalt (?) Blue :cool:

Twin plenum?

I only had the 2600S.

oh, god i know about this stuff, obviously i have absolutely no idea what a twim plenum is, but...... scary.
I cant believe this post is still dragging on, even the heading is a farce "great British cars-nostalgia" D type Jag springs to mind.

So my second car was a v6 Capri 2l which i rolled, then a couple of v6 2.3l Capris, my last "nostalgic" Ford was a v6 2.6l Granada two door coupe, that was a pretty good car and was regarded as one of the best engines Ford had produced.
[oh, god i know about this stuff, obviously i have absolutely no idea what a twim plenum is, but...... scary.
A chamber full of air or liquid @ positive pressure Brit cars from BL . each a chamber full of liquid shyte :idea:
I cant believe this post is still dragging on, even the heading is a farce "great British cars-nostalgia" D type Jag springs to mind.

So my second car was a v6 Capri 2l which i rolled, then a couple of v6 2.3l Capris, my last "nostalgic" Ford was a v6 2.6l Granada two door coupe, that was a pretty good car and was regarded as one of the best engines Ford had produced.

Please except my sincere appollogies, i seem to have wandered off topic again, i did own all these fine Fords but it was in the 70s when i lived in Germany and they were German Fords, left hookers, maybe thats why they were good reliable models. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
I cant believe this post is still dragging on, even the heading is a farce "great British cars-nostalgia"

I think pred that what has gone missing a bit in this thread is the word 'nostalgia' to enable this you have to wear 'rose coloured glasses' its a bit like saying ...the sun always shone when I was a know it didn't it just seemed like it. We all know the cars were basically rubbish, but the fact was it was a huge turning point in car ownership. I actually owned a car as a teenager, something my parents would never even have dreamed of.
The 60-70's were a time of huge change and for those of us who were there (yes, I know we are ancient) it really was an exciting time..
Obviously for me being a Brummie the clip was extra nice, and the car workers weren't all militant, most of them were like my Dad good, decent hard working men.
It was a time when half the threads on here wouldn't even be written, kids (on the whole) went to school, had parents who had time for them , and had parents who were 'content' how many of us are these days.
So do I care that my little Triumph Herald was constantly being patched with fiberglass and if you lifted the mats you could actually see the I don't because I am revelling in the 'nostalgia' of it all :)
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