
Angela is backing what is intended to happen. She has to use the word as quickly as possible and that is likely to be longer than people on here think it should be. The police and CPS have masses of info to go through.
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Angela is backing what is intended to happen. She has to use the word as quickly as possible and that is likely to be longer than people on here think it should be. The police and CPS have masses of info to go through.
Well it's taken them 7 years to conclude the inquiry so i imagine any prosecutions would take longer than that.
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Its a Tory (Conservative) thing. Poor old duffer is confused. The Con's slacken the rules - people die.

What does appear to be emerging as fact, is that at least a few people in the system manufacturer knew that the construction method meant the cladding would not meet the required standard. Instead of addressing the issue they tried to hide it.

There are lots of combustable materials in buildings, that is entirely separate from hiding the results of tests which showed your system was non-compliant.
Its a Tory (Conservative) thing. Poor old duffer is confused. The Con's slacken the rules - people die.

Not sure I agree with this.

Building regulations come under the remit of the DCLG - which is cross bench

If it was my decision, I would put all the current and past members of the DCLG for the last 25 year in the dock. The regulations they write are so badly worded, ambiguous and open to interpretation

What does appear to be emerging as fact, is that at least a few people in the system manufacturer knew that the construction method meant the cladding would not meet the required standard. Instead of addressing the issue they tried to hide it.
These rules that manufacturers were hiding from.

Who kept the rules and enforcement slack and allowed free market enterprise with no comebacks?
Angela is backing what is intended to happen. She has to use the word as quickly as possible and that is likely to be longer than people on here think it should be. The police and CPS have masses of info to go through.

Thats probably the under estimate of the year

Tory donor was key shareholder in Grenfell cladding firm Arconic​

A fifth of Tory party donations from property sector​

We're these rules toughened up or slackened over the last 10/15 years ?

Best you address that question to the DCLG - as I'm not in a position to give a qualified answer BUT the one I know the best Part P was created during the Labour years
Justice for those responsible for the 72 deaths in the Grenfell Tower fire may not come until the end of this decade, a former chief prosecutor has warned, as survivors voiced growing fury over building firms’ “arrogant” refusal to admit wrongdoing.

the Garundia
A person who was castigated multiple times in the report for knowing that the product was unsafe, telling employees to keep the truth secret, and untruthfully misleading buyers by telling them it was safe, denies that he bears responsibility.

"In 2010 Mr Wehrle sent an email to colleagues pointing out that, in this shape, the Reynobond PE product would not meet European fire standards for tall buildings, adding “we have to keep [this] as ‘VERY CONFIDENTIAL’”.

The same year he wrote to a customer that the box shape would be safer.

The Grenfell Tower Public Inquiry said this comment demonstrated “his willingness to resort to deliberate dishonesty in order to support the sale of the product”.

Arconic also withheld the test results from a British body which issued product safety certificates used in the construction industry.

Asked by the BBC why, Mr Wehrle - who has since left Arconic and lives in eastern France where he volunteers as a firefighter - insisted it had not been his decision.

He said: “There are people in that company who were better placed than me to make that kind of decision.”

Arconic, Celotex and Kingspan have issued their denials of any culpability and the Guardian summarises their response but it's going to take a flock of lawyers to sort them out. One example illustrates their belief the cladding isn't to ble for starting the fire - “Kingspan has long acknowledged the wholly unacceptable historical failings that occurred in part of our UK insulation business. These were in no way reflective of how we conduct ourselves as a group, then or now. While deeply regrettable, they were not found to be causative of the tragedy.

Ignoring the inconvenient truth that the cladding helped feed and spread the fire faster than it would otherwise have done so.
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