Greta angrypants arrested

Old Salt thinks boats are single-use vehicles.

What was motorbiking's moan?

Wrongful arrest?

Or did he accuse her of throwing orange paint?
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Or more likely, just people who don't like to see our world damaged.

John I can not mock you for your beliefs, if you don't drive or use gas or oil to heat your home.

I just wish I had the wealth to be like you.
Amazing, the number of right wingers who claim not to be climate change deniers but use every trick on the book to character assassinate those who do something about it.
Amazing, the number of right wingers who claim not to be climate change deniers but use every trick on the book to character assassinate those who do something about it.

I just done a job for a Green party candidate who's got a shaking diesel Range Rover outside
I just done a job for a Green party candidate who's got a shaking diesel Range Rover outside
I wouldn't want to ban anyone from owning a range rover because a green candidate has one. Nor are your candidates views invalid because they have a car. But climate change is climate change regardless. We’re really bad as a country converting idealistic policies into practical solutions. Perhaps we need more technically minded politicians rather than those obsessed with brexhit and asylum seekers, not that they’re any good at that either.
I wouldn't want to ban anyone from owning a range rover because a green candidate has one. Nor are your candidates views invalid because they have a car. But climate change is climate change regardless. We’re really bad as a country converting idealistic policies into practical solutions. Perhaps we need more technically minded politicians rather than those obsessed with brexhit and asylum seekers, not that they’re any good at that either.

You don't think the amount of unchecked people is an issue in a country that's space is at a minimum and the infrastructure is creaking?

Other than that I agree ish with what you say.
Two cheeks of the same ar*e unite again.
Clever, they aren't over committing themselves. Who knows what state the country will be in at the general election.
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