Greta angrypants arrested

We can all do what we can, lead free solder etc etc.
very few people can change a lot in the world.

Lots of people can change a little in the world. Combined, that equals lots.

or we can just pretend it doesn't matter and carry on as we are
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You don't think the amount of unchecked people is an issue in a country that's space is at a minimum and the infrastructure is creaking?

Other than that I agree ish with what you say.
There are far more ukes and afgans arriving here than illegal asylum seekers. I think the problem is chiefly lack of housing not lack of space.
There are far more ukes and afgans arriving here than illegal asylum seekers. I think the problem is chiefly lack of housing not lack of space.
Really. Try getting parked in my town.
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And house builders in a month of Sundays could ever be able to keep up.
We can all do what we can, lead free solder etc etc.
My little is using Lead free solder at work. I'll also separate the cardboard and the other recycling from the non recycling ♻️ that needs disposing of. I hold a waist carriers license and see that it's always disposed of responsibly.

I clear other people's rubbish and their dogs shįt.

I fly less than I used too

I can't do much about driving my diesel van but I do fit more environmentally friendly boilers, and advise people on the importance of insulation and prevention of heat escaping the home so that boiler isn't used as much.

I do honestly try. Some people do not practice what they preach.
Oh yes me too count me in, I'm a goody, I'm all for , er, whatever it was.
What was it we're agreeing about, exactly?

David Attenborough was tactful with Greta. She was saying "You know ... this? And You know ...that?"
Basically he said yes, we, who have an interest, all do. Followed by "and, ... and ... ", beyond her knowledge.
Ask her about say, perovskite lifetimes or pros and cons of thorium nuclear reactors.
She doesn't actually know very much, and I admit I don't particularly want to be lectured by her and her naive approach..

Schoolkids already get hammered with the climate message, it's all the rage with junior school teachers, particularly the ones too untechnical to be secondary school teachers. I suppose having someone the kids might relate to, might help.
Most of her demands are simply not going to happen, so not even worth talking about. Does she suggest practical implementable measures which are to the advantage of those who actually matter so they might DO something? Not so much.

Too much of what she wants is just pie in the sky, childish rhetoric.

Can't call her illiterate, though. How's your Scandawegian?
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