Greta Thundberg

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You are obsessed with Brexit, I am not - I made my decision and I am happy with that decision. I don't have a desperate need, nor in fact any need at all to defend my decision against anyone. Keep posting your defence of your decision, it will not change anything at all, not even my mind.

Reminder - The title of this thread is 'Greta Thundberg' no mention of Brexit in the title, but as you often do, you kidnapped yet another thread for your political aims.
Notchy cannot help himself..His life revolves around being miserable over brexit.
you kidnapped yet another thread for your political aims

I am sorry but that is incorrect. It was not me. See post 19 and your post 20.

I don't have a desperate need, nor in fact any need at all to defend my decision against anyone

If you dont want to defend your position, please do not post comments which are incorrect, if the reply upsets you.

You may not be interested in broadening your knowledge, but other people may have a more open mind, so any incorrect posts you make should be challenged.
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with all this climate extinction rebellion caper

You will.neef to feel.guilty because you have s roast ( meat) dinner :LOL:

They will be demonstrating out side burger bars and fried chicken take aways next blockading the entrances :LOL:
Notchy cannot help himself..His life revolves around being miserable over brexit.
I did not divert this thread to Brexit. See post 19 and 20.

I am not at all miserable over Brexit or anything else.
But I thank you for your concern :):)
Good to see that the classic approach of shooting the messenger is alive and well.
Now let's all order a bulk bag of sand so we can put our heads in it.

I find this all shocking. People, especially teenagers, have been campaigning about the environment for decades. However, before now it has been hard to attack them. Now we have a teenager, who can be considered a vulnerable child, being attacked by thousands of people for simply believing in something.

As for her mental health, Isaac Newton, is thought to have had Aspergers too, along with Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs - so time to throw away your aeroplanes, nuclear power stations, computers and mobile phones - all these people must have been wrong and have endangered us all!

All the nonsense about her being forced, manipulated, abused etc. is just the usual BS that people say to try to discredit anything that somebody says. Oh, don't listen to them, they received funding and help!

Heads in sand please. Then repeat after me: There is no climate change, sink the boat! No climate change, sink the boat! Sink the boat! Sink the boat! Sink the boat!
Autistic and dyslexic people can seem to be awfully bright and clever, plus single minded, even obsessive, but often their arguments just don't stack up. This girl is obsessive and completely unreasonable, full of her own importance - she has latched onto climate and nothing will persuade her otherwise.
I look forward to your evidence that she is wrong on climate change. Along with 97% of climate scientists who agree hold the same view.
I look forward to your evidence that she is wrong on climate change. Along with 97% of climate scientists who agree hold the same view.

The one constant since the earth was formed, has been there has been constant climate change. It would be futile to attempt to suggest that it is not changing, the records prove otherwise, but the records do not prove what the cause is. Besides, some of the green policies are not really green at all - far from. The cure is often worse and less beneficial than the disease.

Wind generators, solar panels and etc. are far from green. The whole picture needs to be assessed, cost of manufacture, cost installation, cost of maintenance and cost of the standby plant for when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine. The environmental cost of batteries for cars needs to be assessed along with the environmental cost of the power to charge them. Even the green protests are far from green, with the extra fuel use they caused during their protests and how much extra fuel did they burn getting to the protests?
Even the green protests are far from green, with the extra fuel use they caused during their protests and how much extra fuel did they burn getting to the protests?
It's impossible to go any distance without using some fuel one way or another. So are you suggesting that nobody should protest or make concerns heard because of that? :eek:
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