Seems it's possible. Germany 100% owns some of it's rail services. How much of it isn't entirely clear but seems to be a lot of it. If I remember correctly the othe 16% would cost Macron $8b or so. The losses he has enforced on them haven't cost anything like a much as support will cost here. I don't know what else they are doing in the support area.
It's a funny area. Nuke is said to be expensive but it would appear to be cheaper than our way going on countries that use it. Or have in Sweden's case
There has been plenty of privatisation since joining with Europe but the sales don't have anything to do with that. These were state owned
Richard Seymour: From the first experiments with British Aerospace through British Telecom, water and electricity to the NHS and Royal Mail
It does some hidden things. Get stuff off the gov's books so they can appear to be spending less. we spend it instread. It also shift debt off those books as well. Lastly it provides them with an income via corporation tax. The money from the sales have also been very useful at times.