Thanks for the great feedback. I'm starting to favour the tubular heater now, probably either 40 watt or 80 watt. I think 40 watt should be sufficient so I'll buy one to test.
The junction box in the loft is on a 5 amp lighting circuit that runs a total of about 350 watts including lights and an extractor fan. I think it includes an earth but need to check. Is there any reason why I couldn't run a 40/80 watt heater off the lighting circuit on a fused spur? It feels wrong to put it on the lighting circuit, but presumably it would be okay to run a 100 watt lightbulb off that circuit. I don't see much difference! Running it off a ring main would be more invasive.
Fused spurs are not used or needed on a lighting circuit. It is already fused at 5 amp. If you must run it off the lighting circuit all that is needed is a switch.