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This must be the worst thread I've ever read on this forum. What is it all about? :confused: :confused: I don't know either of you - I also haven't read any of the other topic areas you've been involved in. I'm just making an assessment of what you've written on this thread - I'm sure you're both very nice people but you do sound a bit barmy!!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Julie

These guys are hardcore slagger offers, they put us to shame, makes us look like lightweight psusy cats. :D
Stop it Oilman, you are going to do yourself an injury, mentally as well as physically, it`s not my fault I`m charming, witty, charismatic & handsome to boot! You should try being ME for a day..... it`s GREAT!!
As for the all the rest of your abusive rantings, I seem to remember somewhere, having my botty slapped very furiously by the Great & the Good on here for lowering myself to resorting to that kind of posting....quite rightly may I add.. you should be ashamed of yourself for some of the rants you have posted here.
As a very wise & moral engineer said to me once from on high `a little less mouth & little more thought would be better received` wonder what happened to that nice well mannered chap....HANG ON....WASN`T THAT YOU????
Go & soak your head in a bucket of iced water & come back when you have developed a sense of humour, I`m just popping down to the front of my drive to sign some autographs :D :D :D Cheery Bye! ;) ;)
david and julie said:
I'm sure you're both very nice people but you do sound a bit barmy!!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Julie
You don't have to be mad but it does help :)
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S`pose we`ll be getting the old ` sat back & inspected it in deckchair with large G & T ` line next will we???? Find some newer material ;) ;)
traineegasman said:
S`pose we`ll be getting the old ` sat back & inspected it in deckchair with large G & T ` line next will we???? Find some newer material ;) ;)

Too 'kin right you will, year is brand new, grass was guaranteed brand new, G & T also brand new, ok the deckchair's a bit ancient like the sitter ..... Tis good tho' and I get paid for it !!

BTW .. brand new customers only, so up yer pipe gasser !!
:D :D :D :D
It`s a shame you`re not as hugely clever & witty as you think you are... unlike me..... :LOL: ;)
Then I accept the challenge & look forward to a long, arduous & verbal duel, Touche, Sir.. you have the advantage.......... ;)
Hooks are put away, rods racked .. out come the chairs and whips ..
We have loadsa Gas heads at Eastville Bristol -- Rovers I think..
;) :D
AHH! Sir Pip, usual bolloc*s at dwn or maybe a sensible tet a te ?? Please Sir.. draw your weapons..!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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