Such diplomatic language is counter-productive.Because of you and your frothing at the mouth ilk,
Save it for those who use it against you.
So, you are saying the authorities (in whom I have little confidence) ignore the 'real terrorists' and pick on innocent people who will be acquitted because they like being made to look like fools?real terrorists go on with their business whilst the innocent 'easy targets' are paraded in front of you as supposed terrorists to assuage your carefully stoked fears…
They must be even more stupid than we think.
Or - I've been to Gauntanamo; they're after me; I'll go to Syria; that won't look suspicious.
I thought you believed they weren't looking for the needles.If you want to find a needle in a haystack here's a clue - don't build the haystack any bigger!
Perhaps all the (public) needles sound the same.