Hope The Thug Goes To Prison

  • Thread starter cumbriahandyman
  • Start date
If you are a trained RIOT OFFICER presumably you have some f######g idea what a
RIOTER looks like!

Pushing the limits of stupidity to new undiscovered boundaries. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You simply couldn't make it up. :LOL:

I don't believe it, I am agreeing with spacecat :eek:

I think he meant you can tell the difference between and old man doing as he was told and someone of any age shouting abuse/threats at you or throwing objects at you, or just behaving aggressively.
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I mentioned nothing about the situation regarding the Tomlinson affair merely the fallout that is attributed to it.

One day a snarling tattooed skinhead thug will require clearing from the streets, whilst a respectable middle class keyboard puncher is tapping plod on the shoulder asking him to quickly take care of it and do it quickly so that it does not interfere with their day.

I think the police have a tough job me.

Ho hum.
LMB, Here's an excerpt from the TSG training manual

"Should an officer in full riot gear meet a pedestrian shuffling along with his hands in his pockets, with his back to the officer, the officer should;- Place a scarf over his own face to conceal his identity. Remove any external badges which may later identify him.(unless he has already done so). Approach the intended victim/pedestrian, with his baton fully extended behind him and strike heavily on the legs/back of the aforementioned victim/pedestrian, before shoving the victim/pedestrian heavily to the ground. No warning should be given to the victim/pedestrian before commencement of this action. TSG officers should be aware however that the media/passersby may have in their possession, video/digital cameras and therefore should try and position themselves in such a place as to be obscured from the view of these people..
Officers are further reminded that should the victim/pedestrian later die, the Met will use a pathologist of dubious integrity to ensure the victim/pedestrian, died of natural causes."

You couldn't make it up. ;) ;) ;)

Last Tragic Braincell .....got hit one too many times with a truncheon eh
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For example cumbria hates the old plod because he was badly treated by a couple of them even though he came to no long term harm

You once accused me of saying I hated Muslims, I challenged you to show me where I said that. Needless to say, you could not.

You have now in this thread accused me of saying I hate the police. Can you show me where I said I hate them? Or did I say hold them in contempt. I know you will now be reaching for your thesaurus, but...

By the way, if you were attacked by a drunk or drug crazed woman and there was a witness to say she attacked and assaulted you. That you defended yourself by putting her in a headlock, falling to the ground and holding her until she calmed down. Who would you expect the police to arrest?
Havent you heard , the police dont arrest people any more , they just murder them instead.
For example cumbria hates the old plod because he was badly treated by a couple of them even though he came to no long term harm

You once accused me of saying I hated Muslims, I challenged you to show me where I said that. Needless to say, you could not.

You have now in this thread accused me of saying I hate the police. Can you show me where I said I hate them? Or did I say hold them in contempt. I know you will now be reaching for your thesaurus, but...

By the way, if you were attacked by a drunk or drug crazed woman and there was a witness to say she attacked and assaulted you. That you defended yourself by putting her in a headlock, falling to the ground and holding her until she calmed down. Who would you expect the police to arrest?

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