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Yea, not being able to take the dog on holiday is hardly the worst thing to moan about huh?
It has nothing to do with whether it's the worst thing or not.

It has changed, for the worse, solely because of Brexit. Freedom of movement, you tried suggesting there was no difference. I can't go to Europe at the drop of a hat like I was able to do.
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It has nothing to do with whether it's the worst thing or not.

It has changed, for the worse, solely because of Brexit. Freedom of movement, you tried suggesting there was no difference. I can't go to Europe at the drop of a hat like I was able to do.
This think isn't absolute.

There will be plus's and minuses.

Etc. etc.etc
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It has nothing to do with whether it's the worst thing or not.

It has changed, for the worse, solely because of Brexit. Freedom of movement, you tried suggesting there was no difference. I can't go to Europe at the drop of a hat like I was able to do.

How many Schengen countries currently have border controls?, restricting freedom of movement, and why have these border controls been re-introduced?
How many Schengen countries currently have border controls?, restricting freedom of movement, and why have these border controls been re-introduced?
What does that have to do with us, and our freedom of movement? We were never in the Schengen zone, that hasn't changed.
I don't think it matters really.
It's such a polorising subject no side will accept the arguments if the other.

Your arguments aren’t based on fact

I can’t accept arguments based on opinions
And it has nothing to do with us ref Brexit, so not relevant to the point that Blue Loo has been trying to make. He was swerving. You ?

I just find it amusing that you're squealing like a pig about 'our' loss of freedom of movement because of brexit whilst Europe are closing down their borders to stem the flow of migrants that you feel we should be accepting.
I just find it amusing that you're squealing like a pig about 'our' loss of freedom of movement because of brexit whilst Europe are closing down their borders to stem the flow of migrants that you feel we should be accepting.
If you read back, blue loo was trying to suggest our freedom of movement had not suffered.

We all know it got worse with Brexit, or do you want to prove otherwise?

You are just trying to conflate different points.

Oh, and where exactly have I ever said we should be accepting migrants? Please feel free to point this out. I will wait, but won't hold my breath
If you read back, blue loo was trying to suggest our freedom of movement had not suffered.

We all know it got worse with Brexit, or do you want to prove otherwise?

You are just trying to conflate different points.

It's got worse in Europe too, because they're shutting down their borders to try and stem the flow of migrants, the ones you think we should accepting and processing.
It's got worse in Europe too, because they're shutting down their borders to try and stem the flow of migrants, the ones you think we should accepting and processing.
Wrong again.

You must be thinking of somebody else.

Try and stick to the actual point? has Brexit made our freedom of movement there better? Or worse?
If you can't show any benefits, and its going to take up to 50 years to see them, then it's fair to say we are worse off by being out.

As I said, if that's wrong, it will be easy to show, by the benefits that have made it better for us.
It's not up to me to show any benefits, is it.
Go ask a Bre*iter.
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