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But that isnt the brexxers argument when it comes to services that eu migrants compete on like plastering. There are many posts from brexxers on this forum justifying restricting competition as a brexhit benefit. I recall rees-smugg citing it as well.

I’m talking about manufactured good as we don’t tend to do that. We have an island full of people that need work and/or have been priced out of work by EU workers so we should grow our own with regards to skilled labour. It will take time though but you have to start somewhere.
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He thinnks Ireland is on par with Latvia and Lithuania.
"...on par with.." In what respect?

Here’s a thought, why don’t you go and live in the EU - you can be close to your European investments then. (y)
Brexiteer Reesmugg prefers to enjoy the benefits of EU membership whilst remaining in Brexit UK. All the time convincing morons to vote to make him richer. It must be an intelligence thing. Someone did once say that your average brexer is as thick as mince.
Just because Ireland is in the EU, JohnD puts them all under the same umbrella. He thinnks Ireland is on par with Latvia and Lithuania. Silly JohnD. Here’s a thought, why don’t you go and live in the EU - you can be close to your European investments then. (y)

are you trying to claim EU is cr@p because it has some very poor areas?

on that argument I say England is cr@p because it has Jaywick, Hartlepool etc.

you arent making sense
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Any professional dealing with EU specs and standards will give you examples. I don't need to repeat them here.
You won’t say because you can’t: you made it up.

One of the most widely used standards is the ISO9000 series because it covers all you think professionals would complain it’s over bureaucratic and complicated?
Looks that way on the surface.
The reality is perhaps not so much.
In 2008 when the EU handcuffed the country to generational debt because it took away its IR controls 7 years earlier, it definatly wasn't the case.

that’s funny, experts seem to think Irelands membership of the EU has been transformational

Irish economy transformed by trade opportunities since joining EU​

After 50 years in the EU our trade surplus is over €60bn and we have a diversified export base across products and market destinations​

Any professional dealing with EU specs and standards will give you examples. I don't need to repeat them here.
More absoloute tosh.

We were involved in agreeing those specs and standards.

If you want to sell there you make to those standards. Where do you propose selling lesser quality? To the UK?
In that case, give an answer rather than a bad impression of Denso on a dull day in Dorking...
If you can't show any benefits, and its going to take up to 50 years to see them, then it's fair to say we are worse off by being out.

As I said, if that's wrong, it will be easy to show, by the benefits that have made it better for us.
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