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How many Schengen countries currently have border controls?, restricting freedom of movement, and why have these border controls been re-introduced?
there is no restriction to freedom of movement for EU citizens
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Europe are closing down their borders because of the migration crisis.
Nothing to do with EU and workers having free movement though. As is shown in the UK. 750k and brown people in boats.

EU 'mass immigration' my arse.
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Very interesting that the brexhit propaganda machine is changing from defending the indefensible (brexhit has immediate significant economic benefits) to brexhit will take time for the benefits to show. All that is needed is a sensible trade deal, giving up a little bit of sovereignty on workers rights to secure it. Job done. But the hard right prefer economic harm over their right to make laws. Look at the last few years, what post EU membership laws have made a jot of difference.

Do you think that the U.K. should be a member of what you believe to be a federal state?
I don't think leaving the Customs Union was a great idea.
What else do you call a political Union, other than a Federation or a Confederation ?
I don't think leaving the Customs Union was a great idea.
What else do you call a political Union, other than a Federation or a Confederation ?
The EU is a Political system.

it doesn’t have a government

it is not a federal state
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