Hot Air

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It's a political system, you Communism?
I suspect he really meant a 'political structure'.
It might be more accurate than a 'political system'. But the two might be interchangeable.
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I get it that you don't care about people who make a lifestyle choice based on the existing and foreseeable regulations and conditions.
Then their life is in turmoil because a tiny majority of Brits want to change those rules and conditions for no benefit whatsoever.
It's not a case of not caring more a case of being realistic. Nothing stays the same, think of all the workers in heavy industry that got thrown on the scrap heap.
Get the violins out.
It's not a case of not caring ...
I'm glad you had second thoughts. :rolleyes:
... more a case of being realistic. Nothing stays the same, think of all the workers in heavy industry that got thrown on the scrap heap.
When there are structural changes made some consideration is given to the socio-economic changes, affecting the communities.

Brexit was implemented on a whim, with no tangible benefits. There was some consideration given to the 'workers' in each 'state', but little consideration given to retirees and the situation they found themselves in.
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I get me violins out at a drop of a hat.
Why would stating the bleeding obvious be a second thought, it's you who didn't consider what you was spouting.
I suspect he really meant a 'political structure'.
It might be more accurate than a 'political system'. But the two might be interchangeable.
Call it an Entity, if you like.

Guy Verhofstadt wants to extinguish national sovereignty...In fact, he’s put together a plan for further EU integration. Snappily entitled, “Report on proposals of the European Parliament for the amendment of the Treaties”, it proposes to massively restrict the right of member states to veto EU measures. Other features include the “establishment of a defence union including military units […] under the operational command of the Union”; exclusive EU “competence” (i.e. control) over environment and climate policy; and a “strengthening” of the “Union’s common immigration policy”.

This week the European Parliament voted in favour of his proposals by 291 to 274. That’s not enough to make them law: treaty change would require the unanimous approval of all 27 member states. Nevertheless, the idea that full-blown federalism is a minority pursuit, or a Brexiteer conspiracy theory, is blatantly wrong. The Verhofstadt view of the EU’s future commands a majority among the Union’s directly elected politicians.
I get me violins out at a drop of a hat.
Why would stating the bleeding obvious be a second thought, it's you who didn't consider what you was spouting.
It wasn't bleeding obvious that the Tory party would hold a referendum to save the Tory party from disintegration.
Party above country is their mantra now.
When there are structural changes made some consideration is given to the socio-economic changes, affecting the communities.
And dismissed.
Bit of a bummer when you set your sights on a railway then drop it halfway through.
It wasn't bleeding obvious that the Tory party would hold a referendum to save the Tory party from disintegration.
Party above country is their mantra now.
And how long was Farage campaigning for a referendum, it's not like a 2nd referendum couldn't happen given his rise in popularity.
Call it an Entity, if you like.
That'll do.

Guy Verhofstadt wants to extinguish national sovereignty...In fact, he’s put together a plan for further EU integration. Snappily entitled, “Report on proposals of the European Parliament for the amendment of the Treaties”, it proposes to massively restrict the right of member states to veto EU measures. Other features include the “establishment of a defence union including military units […] under the operational command of the Union”; exclusive EU “competence” (i.e. control) over environment and climate policy; and a “strengthening” of the “Union’s common immigration policy”.

This week the European Parliament voted in favour of his proposals by 291 to 274. That’s not enough to make them law: treaty change would require the unanimous approval of all 27 member states. Nevertheless, the idea that full-blown federalism is a minority pursuit, or a Brexiteer conspiracy theory, is blatantly wrong. The Verhofstadt view of the EU’s future commands a majority among the Union’s directly elected politicians.
My comment about the entity of the EU was apolitical.
If you want to discuss the politics of the EU, we could go on for a while.
Hang on, I'll consult my calendar to see how much time I have available. ;)
And how long was Farage campaigning for a referendum, it's not like a 2nd referendum couldn't happen given his rise in popularity.
Who's Farage?
Only the ultra-right listens to old Fagarse.
I wouldn't frot yourselves into a frenzy over Farrage: two million fewer viewers to watch him in t'jungle this year and even Ant n' Dec are begging for someone to vote him off the show. Only his most fervent/deluded followers are spreading rumours of his return to the Tory fold. Like a lost sheep. Baa Baaaa Humbug, sez I!
Who's Farage?
Only the ultra-right listens to old Fagarse.
He will be that bloke that's never been elected to the house of frauds, whose changed the course of history that those in there could ever hope to do.
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