Hot Air

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I wouldn't frot yourselves into a frenzy over Farrage:
I ain't .
I don't watch silly reality shows. I'd rather sit outside at a street corner bar in a sunny location, with a cold beer, and watch the world go by.
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No answer to that one then. Notice this about you bloomers you go a bit a silly when your found wanting.
I'm just joining you in your frivolous, nonsense, irrelevant comments.
Now you see how everyone else sees your comments. :)
I'm just joining you in your frivolous, nonsense, irrelevant comments.
Now you see how everyone else sees your comments. :)
So you bellyache about people not being able to take their dog for a walk in the EU.
Yet when I point out the disruption a cancelled railway has caused, it's just something to be flippant about, got yer about not caring about the misfortune caused.
He will be that bloke that's never been elected to the house of frauds, whose changed the course of history that those in there could ever hope to do.
Like Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Emmeline Pankhurst, Charles Darwin, etc?
Or more like Jack the Ripper, Field Marshal Douglas Haig, Guy Fawkes, etc?
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Like Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Emmeline Pankhurst, Charles Darwin, etc?
Or more like Jack the Ripper, Field Marshal Douglas Haig, Guy Fawkes, etc?
They had people listening to them from all ends of the spectrum to achieve what they did but you said only the ultra right listened to Farage. Think there were more than the ultra right listening to him.
So you bellyache about people not being able to take their dog for a walk in the EU.
Yet when I point out the disruption a cancelled railway has caused, it's just something to be flippant about, got yer about not caring about the misfortune caused.
I was being flippant about your diversionary tactics and use and combination of wierd idioms:
Bit of a bummer when you set your sights on a railway then drop it halfway through.
More than a bummer, it would make a lot of noise and cause a catastrophe.

If your opinion of:
Yet when I point out the disruption a cancelled railway has caused,
is justified by:
Bit of a bummer
You'll go a long way in intelligent discussions. :rolleyes:
They had people listening to them from all ends of the spectrum to achieve what they did but you said only the ultra right listened to Farage. Think there were more than the ultra right listening to him.
I listen to you, but I'm not remotely influenced by your opinions. :rolleyes:
It's a political system, you Communism?
Communism is a system in which the means of production are owned, shared and organised by the community.

I'm not aware of any place in the world where communist has ever existed.

I guess you mean an authoritarian state like Russia or China. If so perhaps you can explain how the EU is authoritarian when it allows the citizens of the Union to have freedom to work, travel, retire in any of the nation states.

You desperately want believe the EU is a federal state but you aren't able to back it up with any evidence.

The EU is made up of 27 countries all with their own governments, their own political system, and they range from democratic socialism to far right populism. You can't have that in a federal.state.
Your influenced to the point you comment on my posts.
That's not influenced by, that's ridiculing.
If you need to understand the difference, i suspect Messrs Miriam and Webster will assist.
Communism is a system in which the means of production are owned, shared and organised by the community.

I'm not aware of any place in the world where communist has ever existed.

I guess you mean an authoritarian state like Russia or China. If so perhaps you can explain how the EU is authoritarian when it allows the citizens of the Union to have freedom to work, travel, retire in any of the nation states.

You desperately want believe the EU is a federal state but you aren't able to back it up with any evidence.

The EU is made up of 27 countries all with their own governments, their own political system, and they range from democratic socialism to far right populism. You can't have that in a federal.state.
Go back a page or two to see answers already given.
Call it an Entity, if you like.

Guy Verhofstadt wants to extinguish national sovereignty...In fact, he’s put together a plan for further EU integration. Snappily entitled, “Report on proposals of the European Parliament for the amendment of the Treaties”, it proposes to massively restrict the right of member states to veto EU measures. Other features include the “establishment of a defence union including military units […] under the operational command of the Union”; exclusive EU “competence” (i.e. control) over environment and climate policy; and a “strengthening” of the “Union’s common immigration policy”.

This week the European Parliament voted in favour of his proposals by 291 to 274. That’s not enough to make them law: treaty change would require the unanimous approval of all 27 member states. Nevertheless, the idea that full-blown federalism is a minority pursuit, or a Brexiteer conspiracy theory, is blatantly wrong. The Verhofstadt view of the EU’s future commands a majority among the Union’s directly elected politicians.
Misleading article.

I suggest you research what elements are veto voting and which are majority voting.

By the way, are you saying majority voting is an indication of a federal state.....I would say its an indication of democracy
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