Hot Air

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Misleading article.

I suggest you research what elements are veto voting and which are majority voting.

By the way, are you saying majority voting is an indication of a federal state.....I would say its an indication of democracy
go back another page.
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Do you see the day notch when these backroom deals to appoint leaders is a thing of the past and they have to suffer an election process.
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Do you see the day notch when these backroom deals to appoint leaders is a thing of the past and they have to suffer an election process.
If you are referring to the EU presidency elections, that is not evidence of a federal state.

You are just engaging in whataboutery
Do you see the day notch when these backroom deals to appoint leaders is a thing of the past and they have to suffer an election process.
Then the UK unwritten constitution would have to be re-written.
The UK PM has always been unelected by the electorate.
If he/she were to become elected it would create more of presidential role.
Then what use the royalty?
Then the UK unwritten constitution would have to be re-written.
The UK PM has always been unelected by the electorate.
If he/she were to become elected it would create more of presidential role.
Then what use the royalty?
Can we concentrate on the EU please.
The Brexers are the reason Brexit came about.

And Conservative idiocy.
that’s funny, experts seem to think Irelands membership of the EU has been transformational

Irish economy transformed by trade opportunities since joining EU​

After 50 years in the EU our trade surplus is over €60bn and we have a diversified export base across products and market destinations​

Easy to have a surplus if you don't spend anything on defence or have a public health service like the NHS.
If you ring for an ambulance down there and you don't have insurance, you get a bill.
If your house catches fire, its the same.
Huge numbers of homeless.
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