House wife's father now blames the UK

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Buffoon Abbot said

The decision to strip her of uk citezin ship was

Morally reprehensible and a stain on the UK

I wish you wouldn't use such words to describe Diane.. Its makes her sound more intelligent than she really is....
I predicted that she would get knocked off by Isis to make her a martyr. .
And put pressure on the British government to lower its stance.

My guess is this baby was allowed to dye for the cause...
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The Article below has the father of Shamima-Begum
blaming the UK and the schools for letting her travel at 15...
Just to clarify a few untruths, misconceptions, and to right a few wrongs, the BBC article shows without doubt that Shemima's Father is contrite and apologises to UK on his daughter's behalf:
Shamima Begum: Father apologises to Britain for daughter 'doing wrong'
Father indoctrinated her with hatred of UK.
The same article/interview shows that her Father had absolutely nothing to do with her radicalisation.

Sajid Javid bowed to media pressure allowing an innocent child to die .
Possibly. I wouldn't disagree.
He (SJ) also has relinquished his responsibility on two counts: the responsibility for UK arresting and punishing Shemima, if it's possible, and the responsibility for the decision because it is now the decision of the legal/justice system, should any appeal, legal process occur.
If he had taken responsibility for her arrest, and subsequent trial the baby would probably be alive now.

I heard on the radio that buffoon abbot is occupying the moral high ground and looking to make political Capitol out of this child's death
What politician in opposition would not make political capital out of such a situation? I am not suggesting it is morally correct. Politics is a dirty game these days.
So ridicule DA if you like, but do bear in mind that any and most all politicians would do exactly the same while in opposition.
I think that most politicians have relinquished , or would be prepared to relinquish their moral principles as and when the opportunity arises.
There us some thing like ? 65,000 woman and children in this refugee camp all living or existing under dire conditions

Food and water shortages ,medical care is basic or non existent which probably causes deaths on a daily basis
There us some thing like ? 65,000 woman and children in this refugee camp all living or existing under dire conditions

Food and water shortages ,medical care is basic or non existent which probably causes deaths on a daily basis
Did you inform SJ of the probabilities that this child would die?
Medical services, the child had no connection with ISIS so should have been allowed to live .
Why did you not put your hand up to go out and rescue him...
Two points:
1. It was not a conscious decision to allow the child to live or not. It was a decision to not intervene in the care of the child. There is a difference. There was no predetermined outcome to 'not intervening'.
2. There are dedicated agencies and organisations authorised, experienced and equipped to carry out such missions.
. There are dedicated agencies and organisations authorised, experienced and equipped to carry out such missions.

And your OK with said people to put their life's at risk.... What if they don't want to go
If he had taken responsibility for her arrest, and subsequent trial the baby would probably be alive now.
Probably? I doubt it. More like 'possibly'.
It would take longer than 2 weeks to sort out something like that am sure. She had no passport, she's being held in a refugee camp. Red tape, getting her a passport, someone in the UK sorting out her arrest, sorting out travel. It's sad the baby died, really is because he was an innocent in all the mess the mother created for him. But like him or loathe him, Javid is not responsible for the actions of every runaway who wishes to join a terrorist group.

Meanwhile, 2 more isis brides have been stripped of their citizenship.
And your OK with said people to put their life's at risk.... What if they don't want to go
The DM reporter that you referred to in the OP didn't seem to have much problem getting in and out.
If he didn't want to go, he could have refused. I can't see his employer sacking him for refusing to enter into a dangerous undertaking. Can you?
The DM reporter that you referred to in the OP didn't seem to have much problem getting in and out.
If he didn't want to go, he could have refused. I can't see his employer sacking him for refusing to enter into a dangerous undertaking. Can you?
As already pointed out, the reporter has a passport.

Plus, he didn't belong to a terrorist group. Your comparing chalk and cheese.
What about her father.

If he didn't swann off to Bangladesh and face up to his responsibility and bring up his young teenage daughters. Maybe non of this would have happened
f he had taken responsibility for her arrest, and subsequent trial the baby would probably be alive now
Rubbish, you are just politicising like Abbott.

How quickly do you really think that process wouldve happened?
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